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Y/n's POV:

I couldn't help but wonder why this girl had let me stay in her cabin. I mean, in a total stranger, and we don't even know each other's names yet.


I'm sleeping in the same cabin as a stranger, and I don't even know their name. "What the hell was I thinking", I whisper smacking my forehead.

At least if I die it's because a cute girl killed me. "Wow, way to get your priorities straight you lunkhead" I scold looking at her bathroom door.

At least I'm not stuck out in the cold. Besides she can't be that bad, I mean she is letting me sleep here.

I sigh pulling the sheets up and settling into bed. But, I can't help but notice how nice her bed smells. If I remember correctly, she smells like cinnamon, rain, and.....iron?

It's a nice smell, it's not overpowering, and is quite comforting. I sigh as I let the darkness take hold, ultimately leaving me defenseless.

Boy, would I learn not to do that again. Hell, if I could turn back time........who am I kidding, I would probably fall for that she-demon's charm all over again.

In the morning

I awoke with a gasp as I recall the dreams that had seemed oh so real. The way her dark eyes pulled me in as she strapped me down in a dark room, lit up by a flickering light above. I shivered unconsciously at the thought.

I was about to relax when someone pulled me Back down and snuggled into me, causing me to yelp. "Sleep, we have two more hours till breakfast" the dark-haired girl muttered.

Blushing, I allow her to pull me close and hug me like some stuffed toy. "You're lucky you're cute" I mutter, "And you're lucky enough to see it" she whispers making me shiver.

We had ended up staying in each other's arms until thirty till breakfast. The girl gradually got out of bed and got ready, with me following soon after.

"Do you have clothes to change into?" she asked blankly.

"It's all in my cabin"

"Then I suppose you could use some of mine"

She brought out a black long sleeve with grey sweat pants and a toothbrush. "These will do for now," she said handing them to me. As I walked to the bathroom to change, I was stopped by her continuing.

"By the way" she smirked

"My name is Wednesday, Wednesday Addams"

Smiling I introduce myself "I'm Y/n Bane"

"Soon-to-be Addams" she stated, flustering me for the umpteenth time.

I sped walked to the bathroom and changed into the clothes she had allowed me to borrow. Once done, I brushed my teeth and walked out.

Sadly, I had forgotten a very important detail, she was changing in the other room.

I stood in shock, staring at her changing form. We held eye contact till she spoke, smirking once again.

"Take a picture it will last longer"

And with a bang, I shut the bathroom door with a strength I never had before.

All I could hear at that moment was my racing heart and her calm laughter in the other room. it was almost as if she had done it on purpose like she knew this would happen.

Wednesday POV:

I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. It was the most delightful thing I've seen in many years.

We may have just met, but I know I'm completely and entirely addicted to her in every way".

I finished getting ready as I waited for her to finally exit the bathroom. But it seemed as though she wasn't taking any chances this time.

So sadly, I had to tell her I was finished changing.

Y/n's POV:

My back to the door my face reddened.


I touch my now stinging cheek. "Guess I'm not dreaming then." Did- did I really just see Wednesday half naked...

My heart picked up speed as she chuckled.

Stop that, we're both girls so it's not a big deal, right?
"You can come now, I've finished changing." Sighing I walk out only to trip on...air?

With a thump, I fall face first onto the ground. In shock, I lay still processing what the hell just happened. "Pffft-" stifling her laugh, Wednesday lifts me up and onto my feet.

Did I just trip on air, and am I light, or is she just strong? "Yes, you tripped on air, and you're not particularly heavy" she smirked. "I said that out loud didn't I." my stomach doing flips at the embarrassment.

"Indeed, but you may want to consider thinking about how many times you've done this," she smirked gripping my chin firmly. Immediately my stomach drops, remembering her chuckling after my inner thoughts in the bathroom.

"You do fascinate me Y/n. You are so clumsy but so alluring~" she purrs moving her hand on my chin down to my neck as her eyes darkened. "I might just keep you to myself." her hand tightened around my neck causing me to whimper.

"But that's a plan for another occasion, now let's eat breakfast before we're too late." she walked away. My legs gave out from under me as I rum my shaky hand over my neck. Thoughts ran through my head as my legs shook slightly.

Is she a sadist or is she just crazy? If so, then am I a masochist or stupid for allowing her to make my heart race?

Stumbling, I get back on my feet and start head to the cafeteria.

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