16. Coke

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there are times I you walk around with my daughter and I asked Melody every day and what she wants to do with me. We always do like little fun things but sometimes it just gets scary for her.

I think I think she's worried that perhaps there's gonna be a situation where she doesn't come home or something and I'm trying to ask Melody you know where did you get this horrific images from like where did you? Where did you see this bike? What what did you do cute like what did you do like what did you do honey and I just wanna make sure she's OK and it's really scary at times like I worry and you just never know it's gonna happen. I mean you can try to be paired and you could try to say

I will keep this in this chat my family but when the time comes you don't know what's gonna happen and don't get me wrong.

I am grateful that we have nobody cause we can take me to whatever happy for it but literally always come into your life right when you read it all up,

they always pop up when you least expect them to so you always try to be you know prepared but I don't think that anybody could really be paired for what was the con I don't think anybody should be paired for that I mean, but that you don't know how you're going to feel when you leave because you might think that everything is calm and everything is clear and everything is all right but when you get to a certain point in your life, he saying,

OK I am really either done something wrong or maybe I'm just not paying attention to the signs in place but you realize pay attention because he told me that my life would've been like this. By the time I was 23 I would've said that you were lying because you don't think that you're gonna get into this era of your life, so you ask yourself OK Felix what what do we do in this situation and the answer is to be honest I do not know the honest I do not know what to do in situations.

I don't even know physically how do you save a life if it could be so simple because there is some stories that I hear every year they just really make me really make me go wow like, how did we miss these symptoms or how did we not know that this was coming like you ask yourself this question every single year anything OK maybe I'm stupid no I'm not stupid you just don't know a person until you let them know and I believe that Maddie is she teach me things every day that I would've never thought possible.

I would've never thought these things possible had it not been for her and I think of my daughter Melody and what a blessing she was because she could've you know been taken away when I found Maddie consulting on that floor and the only person around me was Hyunjin and then our nasty boss had a meltdown oh, I was just pissed and when he had a meltdown and then when we were told about the other kids arrival, he started sucking his thumb and jumping up and down like a tear out.

It was disgusting to see a grown man throw temper tantrum, but again, I don't temper tantrums really not that uncommon in which people's entitlement an ignorance to society these days, but what can you do exactly we can't do anything you said to sit back and try to make the world a safe place.

Melody -
daddy do you think people act out because you know they're not logged is that why you think people are so mean to each other these days?

Felix -
oh absolutely honey and you know something else Melody you are so so loved if you're ever feeling scared just know that that's the biggest reason why people

act out and stuff it's these days is because they don't know what love feels like and they would do anything to be loved, and to be .

reassured that they're decent people even though that they know they're not decent people make sense. I love you so much. I love you so so much.

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