17. Bells

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Liz -
today we have a lesson that we are attending for sunshine. She has to be in therapy not because she has behave issues but because she's been getting upset recently when she hears to work goodbye she thinks that is going to happen to me and chance what I understand because when I went into labor with her, I didn't even know she was in like I didn't know how to it was really hard and you know even after I had suntan, I didn't have any of the weird cravings like pickles, peanut butter, Cheetos and milk or I don't know I like chicken nuggets an ice cream from McDonald's.

I didn't crave any of that and we have all that in Korea I mean the only thing I really wanted to go on that short of craving was like peach white Lily tea or  those cheesy spicy rice cake all I really wanted would have was like by the toast and you know Chase bowls, public tomato mozzarella type I suppose I took her to the therapist because she's been a little emotionally and she just keeps on cleaning to my leg saying I don't want mommy to go.

I don't want mommy to go some was like she's trying to tell me something so he met with her therapist today.

Her name is Sarah Sarah is a very nice hard-working individual and she's having sense in a lot with coping with her diary which I can't really say I blame her. I mean her dad always touring working and sometimes we can't always go along

you know just things like that that eventually I think really affects children and you just always wanna be there for her for her and just try not to get emotional it it's really really really hard like you try not to get motional and you think about everything that you're going through. I mean I feel like a horrible of the horrible mom  times but I know it's all for the best and I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do I don't know.

Sarah -so sunshine can you tell me what is bothering you today like why did you come all this way just to see me. Sunchin 
well a few months ago my mommy got poisoned by a man named JYP he is ugly and fat I think and he also thinks he can sing, but he cannot and a few months ago mommy said that she wasn't feeling good and then I went to go check on her and she was bleeding and then she went to the hospital and came home with Dale and it was scary I afraid that one day mommy will never come home or perhaps daddy will get hurt by JYP sometimes .

I just worry and I try not to but it's really hard and I just want everybody to be happy and healthy but I don't think that's gonna happen and I don't know how to feel about that.

Sara-well you're really brave for telling me all of these things thank you and I will try to work with everybody to get you and everybody to help that you might need to feel better.

Would you like to draw  me some pictures the picture she drew me was kind of heart breaking it stick figure with blood running down their legs, so I'm guessing she seen some things that were related to her brothers entrance that she doesn't quite understand

but it's a child you can see things in the commentators for the rest of your life and I really hope we can fix her before it's too late.

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