27. So proud

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words cannot put and how proud I am of Liz she's always been a tough cookie but today she was just a complete rockstar. I mean both of my kids had come into the world you know unexpected inside of this one, but you know they were you know completely different experiences with this it was so scary, but a little bit more calm and peaceful and she was able to have us with her in a way that I just never thought possible.

I never thought this was this was possible I mean this was like the most amazing experience of my entire life that I ever thought to be possible like I just cannot believe how like lucky I am to have this experience with her like I had experience,

I only could've ever dreamed of with her, and like to have this experience you know with her was so so real I think I might go home and like cry like this is like you know you I mean if this was real but it was real like I cannot stop crying and I probably won't stop crying because I have been dreaming of a peaceful birth for her for the longest amount of time but she's such a superwoman like she didn't complain and Stan and I got to both support her this time in ways that we never thought possible I'm so grateful for him being there for her when I couldn't like he stayed with her and then freak out when they did things you know without me being present, and he was so mature,

I thought he'd be scream mission like not mature at all but no, he was so mature like I was so so proud of Liz like I am so proud of Liz for everything that she's done because she's giving me three beautiful children and everything in between and I am just in like all right now like I'm on cloud nine and I'm waiting for the sugar high to wear off like from the excitement but like I'm so excited oasis kids with her.

Liz-thank you for being here on time.

Well, what am I saying? I know you would've been here in time. If I hadn't pushed you up to work I guess I should let my guard down when it comes to being a tough cookie .

I have to kind of you know back down a little bit but you know and you're always there for me and I don't know how to say thank you like how do you do this like how do you like how do you always escape without him noticing .

I'm grateful that you do and I know we're gonna get an earful eventually but I'm just gonna enjoy the quietness now with you in our little girl she's so beautiful I can't wait for the kids to meet her. I think they're gonna be really surprised.

I'm just in awe at the moment Chris I love you so much and thank you for giving me free kids that are beautiful.

Chris -you did all the hard work I just had to sit on the side and hold your hand.

I felt useless because I couldn't help you like I couldn't take away your pain or catch all your tears but you did such a phenomenal job.

I can't help but cry with how good of a job that you did. I love you, Liz .

Liz -
I love you too Chris. I love you so much.

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