21. Victory

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that lives in mind she is so lucky and so beautiful and never has done anything wrong like she doesn't put people down that's why I mean by do anything wrong because you just tell yourself every day that you're making the right decisions and even though that you're making a decision in life you're scared because you want to be there with that person and tell yourself that she did the right thing and then you asked me .

I right thing yes I had them the right thing because I didn't do anything wrong and she didn't do anything wrong it's really scary because you just want to you. Just want to you know get far ahead in life and it's really scary because I just want Liz to be happy and healthy and not worry about anything.

I mean she's already had two surprise babies thank God that they all turned out normal and didn't have any birth defects, but it's so scary like with Dale. We were all worried that he'd have like a conehead or some thing because it took him a while to get out because you know the labor is too much on him and stressed him out as well That lives in my mind constantly and I will always be grateful .

Thank God there wasn't any you know major complications it's just scary because you just want to be happy and you just want to be you know healthy and I look at lives every day and I think God she didn't get the PTSD and even if she did no one play play move at Shannon Liz I've just been through you know, I have so many ups and downs not with like arguments or anything or insecurities or cheating, but just because of JYP I mean the whole car accident you know he was already trying to sing girls for Chris to marry

next and you know what you're stupid on his part because he knows that Liz is so loved by Chris's family.

They would've been devastated and it took a little time for her to realize that this is life and this is my husband and this is how life is now like there's no turning back and I know that she's always wanted to be a mom and that she's always wanted to be happy and healthy and everything in between so I'm just gonna be grateful and never stop like I will never stop being grateful for everything that went on in that house when we were all trainees, but I feel like we've all kind of escape the clutches of JYP and I will forever be grateful for that,

and I just think that you can overcome tragedy and you can overcome trauma but it's always good timing like I'm really proud of the girls for not going cuckoo crazy but I feel like they would've had every right to but they got help and talked about with this man Aden down and now JYP he's on the most hated producers of all time and he hasn't gotten any new clients since stray kids.

I don't know how they can live with him I don't know how they can put up with your boys and I don't even know how to girls are able to forgive him but I'm grateful that they have and moved on and won't let him stop them.

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