5. interdimensional phone calls

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At the same evening, Fee, El and Mike were sitting downstairs. Mike was flipping through drawings that Will drew, El was messing with the supercomm and Fee was playing a song she came up with. It wasn't anything grandiose but it was nice. It was like a little campfire song. No words, just background melody (you can find it at the top and i know its a tab). Mike though was too sad to even try and be surprised that the girl that could barely talk just a few hours ago, was now playing guitar in front of him. He was still grieving for Will even though Fee told him countless times that he is alive but he didn't want to listen.

 "Can you two please stop that." Mike said, getting annoyed with the sound of the supercomm and the guitar. "Where did you even find it?" he then asked motioning towards the guitar. "In the back of the basement." Fee just said as she put away the guitar. El though, didn't stop. "Are you deaf?" he then said to El. El still didn't put away the supercomm. 

"I thought we were friends you know. But friends tell each other the truth. They definitely don't lie to each other. You made me think Will was okay. That he was still out there, but he wasn't. He wasn't. Maybe you thought you were helping, but you weren't. You hurt me. Do you understand? The both of you. What you did sucks." Mike snapped at the girls. "Lucas was right about you. All along." he then finished.

"Woah woah, stop there my friend, do we have to go over this again?" Fee started getting defensive. "he is alive okay? I can't prove it but El is trying right now." Fee explained for the millions' time. "he is not alive! I don't know what E is trying to make but he is dea-" he was interrupted by the supercomm and Wills voice. He was singing that one song he loved by The Clash. Mike turned to the supercomm, not believing his ears.

It really was him. He was alive! El looked up, her nose bleeding. Fee gave El a paper towel to clean up her nose and she took it. Mike quickly went towards El and the supercomm and El gave him the device. Mike took it quickly and pressed onto the talk button. "Will, is that you? It's Mike! Do you copy? Over." he said but got only silence. "Will are you there? Will!" he tried again but nothing. 

"Was that.. Was it" he was trying to say something. "Will" Eleven said with a little smile. "What did I tell you?" Fee asked from his side. Mike looked at her in shock. "What was that?" he asked. "Interdimensional phone call?" Fee answered a bit sarcastically. "I am so sorry i didn't believe you. And i am sorry that i yelled at you." Mike apologised. "It's fine, I understand." Fee just said


Dustin and Lucas came to the Wheelers next morning. Everyone was sat around El as she tried to restore the connection to Will and she did. You could hear clear whimpering through the supercomm as blood ran down Els nose. Fee sat up and grabbed a few more paper towels for El. "We keep losing signal, but you heard it right?" Mike asked the boys. "Yeah, i heard a baby." Lucas said still not convinced that this was Will. "What?" Mike asked confused. "Well you obviously tapped into a baby monitor. It's probably the Blackburns next door." he said. "It is not a baby monitor it's Will." Fee then said. "Yeah did that sound like a baby to you? That really was Will" Mike agreed. "Mike-" "Lucas you don't understand. He spoke last night. Words!" Mike tried convincing him.

"He was singing that weird song he loves. Even El and Fee heard him." "True, but i wouldn't say the song was weird." Fee then agreed. "It was weird, not as weird as the song you played on the guitar but still" Mike then deadpanned. "Hey i wrote that one myself." "You can play guitar?" Dustin asked a bit shocked. "Not the point right now but yes." "Anyways well even if the weirdos heard him, then i guess-" Lucas began, getting everyone else back on the topic. "rude" Fee just mumbled. "Are you sure you're on the right channel?" Dustin then asked. "The channel doesn't matter. It's El who connects him not the radio." Fee explained. 

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