19. return of a friend

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A couple minutes passed. The boys have not returned yet, wanting to make sure they were safe. Chris' head was leaned against Max's shoulder as she softly snored. Max made sure she's comfortable, having thrown her jacket onto the girl. She still could not believe that it was true.

'The girl, that is passed out, sleeping on my shoulder is actually, a lab escapie with superpowers with an old tattoo of the number 014 that got removed, because of that tattoo everyone was calling her Fee, went on as she called them "missions" and had her entire childhood stripped away from her. That's also why she really has a hard time understanding social stuff.'

Max ranted in her head, trying to get everything straight. It still sounded so made up to her, so unrealistic. But she saw it. With her own eyes. This girl, is a fricking superhero. Max gently took Chris' wrist to see where the tattoo was. And indeed there was a thick scar. She placed the wrist back, letting the girl regain her powers.

The blood from her nose stopped pouring minutes ago, leaving a red-tinted line that went across her whole upper lip the corner of her jaw. Suddenly, Chris shot up, her body having restored enough energy.

Though she didn't really wake up on her own. It was as if something shook her awake. Like an energy wave was sent through her body. Yeah. That's what it felt like. It could not have been human, it was too sudden. Too quick.

Max yelped when she saw the girl launch forward. "Chris!" she called out. "I am awake. I am awake." Chris assured her, even though she didn't need to. It was as if she got caught sleeping in class and then told her teacher she wasn't.

The superpower girl sat back down and grabbed her head with her hands. "Chris, are you okay?" Max asked concerned. "Yeah. Yeah that, that happens if i use too much of my powers after not using them for some time." the other girl explained.

Chris bend slightly to her right side. It felt as if a knife was plunged into it, after dragging that same knife all across her back. She pulled herself up with the help of a seat next to her, squinting her eyes shut at the movement. It hurt like a bitch.

Max stood up as well, making sure the girl is fine. She put her hand on Chris' shoulder, stabilizing her a bit when she saw her slightly swinging from side to side. "Are you sure you're okay Fee?" Max asked again.

Chris looked at her, a surprised look on her face. "Fee?" Chris repeated. "Wow, i haven't been called that in a long time." "Well, it is one of your names i guess." Max defended herself. "And yeah, I am fine. Probably just stretched something." Chris told her.

Max nodded understandingly. Chris went around the bus, noticing her glasses weren't on her. "Hey, Max have you seen my glasses?" Chris asked her. "Oh yeah, i think they like, flew off of you when you fell." Max said and went to the direction where the glasses where. Max picked them up and realized they were broken.

"Fee i am so sorry." Max said, looking at the shattered glass in her hands, and the bend metal. "Sorry? What are you sorry for?" Chris asked confused. Max turned around and showed her the broken glasses.

"Do you have like a spare pare in your backpack?" Max questioned, not wanting the girl to go around blind. Chris smiled. There was no need for concern. She could repair them. "No and there is no need for that anyway." The girl said, carefully taking the glasses from Max, not wanting to accidently cut her hand with the glass shards.

"I am not letting you go around blind Harrington." The redhead stated. Chris just focused on the shards and metal in her hands. The pieces levitated, the glass shards forming back the lenses and the metal bending the right way back again. Max's eyes widened at that. 'Is she repairing the glasses?'

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