9. tag! you're it!

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When the teenagers got back to the wheelers basement, Mike and El went to the bathroom to clean of the dirt from eleven. Dustin and Chris were sitting on the couch. Chris was once again fiddling with her beloved instrument. "You know how to play a guitar?" Dustin asked shocked. "Yep" Chris said. She was trying to find an Intro to the song. "How much stuff do you know? Like damn, how?" he asked, still impressed. "Oh i wouldn't be able to count all of it." 

Little did he know, she knows two more languages which are spanish and russian. Dustins jaw dropped as he stared at his redheaded friend. Suddenly strange sounds started coming from Mikes supercomm. Dustin and Chris looked at each other, both had confused faces. Dustin went to the supercomm to find out whats wrong with it when he heard someone yelling at the other end. Someone who sounded an awful lot like Lucas. 

'Wait a minute that is lucas!'

Dustins eyes widened with realisation and he stormed into the bathroom that Mike and El were in. "Guys! It's Lucas, I think he's in trouble" he said. The three went back to the supercomm "Do you remember how he said he was looking for the gate?" "Yeah" Mike answered confused. "What if he found it." Chris said. You could now here Lucas shouting something but he was way out of range.

"What's he saying?" Mike asked. "He's way out of range to understand" Chris answered. "..son of a bitch!" was heard from the supercomm. "Lucas, if you can hear us, slow down. We can't understand you" Mike tried talking to him. "The mad hen are.. all o- mad hen" he was trying to say something, but again, range. "The 'mad hen' does that mean anything to you guys? Like a code name maybe?" chris asked. The boys shook their heads 'no'. "The bad men are coming!" was heard clearly from the radio. "The bad men" Mike repeated. "Oh no. No no no no!" Chris started slighlty panicking

She isn't going back to that place. No way. No goddamn way only over her dead body. "Stay here" Mike said to Chris and Eleven and he and Dustin ran upstairs. A minute later they came back and quickly grabbed their stuff. They got the boys bikes and started running away from the house. When they got to a clearer place they started getting onto the bikes but the bad men, or lab people, already saw them. "Go go go go go go go go!" Dustin started ranting. The bad men got back into their cars and started following the kids.

As Dustin was once again ranting "Oh my god ", Lucas tried contacting him on the supercomm. "Dustin! Dustin do you copy?" he asked. "Yeah, Lucas they're on us" "Where are you?" "Cornwallis" "Meet me at Elm and Cherry!" "Copy. Elm and Cherry!" Dustin yelled to Mike. 

The teens started biking towards Elm and Cherry. As they turned left, they saw the "Energy and Light" cars, the bad men, following them. "Shit!" "This way come on!" Mike said. They took a short cut through someones backyard and a playground "Out of the way!" Chris yelled to the girls and they quickly stepped back. 

Soon they got to Elm and Cherry and met up with Lucas. "Lucas!" Mike said. "Where are they?" Lucas asked. "I don't know i think we lost them". Just then, the familiar vans showed up behind them "I don't think we did." Chris said. "Go go go go go!". They started pedalling away once again. Suddenly a van showed up before them and Dustin started yelling. Chris and El looked at each other and nodded. They knew what they had to do. 

Both concentrated on the van and El send it up in the air, flipping over them while Chris set it on fire. The boys looked at the van, shocked about what happened but didn't focus on it too long. The van dropped wheels up in front of the other vans, blocking the way. And the teens just started pedalling faster.

They got to the junkyard and the boys dropped their bikes. "Holy... Holy Shit! Did you.. Did you see what they did to the van?" Dustin asked the boys, still impressed. When the boy stopped his bike Chris basically just fell of of it. She sighed and laid on the grass. "No, Dustin, we missed it. Chris you okay?" Mike said sarcastically. "Yeah, yeah just you know tired." she exhaled. "I mean that was.." Dustin stammered "awesome" Lucas finished.

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