Issue 23: Another Place

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Y/n's Pov:

I was then pushed back and thrown onto the ground. I let out a heavy cough as the air felt even weirder and heavier than before. Desperately, I look around trying to find Changbin. Though, I quickly realize I was in a whole new place. The grass wasn't green anymore, it was a pretty soft lilac purple and the sky was an off colored greenish blue. The few trees that were seen, were huge and their bark a dead ashy grey. Did he kill me too? Is this what heaven looks like? In my confusion of this new place,  a voice called out to me in short phrases as if they barley spoke my language.

"Young leader.. wants you.. here."

"Who?" I looked to the voice. It seemed to be a older gentlemen in his late 20s. He had platinum blonde hair, pale white skin, pointy ears, and soft pink eyes. He was also dressed like an ancient Greek with a long white toga and gold accessories.

"Young Leader?" I say highly confused.

"He is on Addam still." Oh, he means Changbin.. So this must be his planet. I gasp at this realizing that he must have put me here in order to keep me out of stopping his destruction.

"FUCK! I need to go back to Addam! Changbin is going to kill everyone!! I NEED TO GO!" I get up stumbling a bit and walk up to the guy with a desperate strain in my voice.

He stares at me for a second before responding, "He will come back.. Addam is full of.. weak blood. Young Leader will not be long."

"Weak?" I say furrowing my eyebrows.

"Please follow." The man walks onto a path where the purple fades into a cream white grass. I follow along behind him on that path. I looked around to see if Changbin was back yet. Though, not a sound or site of him caught my attention. Just plain hilly landscape and a path that led to a large village. It got weirder and weirder the more this person had led me along the path. The houses in the distance became more clearer and started to look like fancy modern square houses just like on Earth. People outside started noticing me and stared blankly. Even the kids playing with terrifying beast stopped to look at me as if I was the weird one.

As soon as we got to the center of the fancy clean village, the person guiding me stops in front of a man with all black clothing, golden jewelry, and large white jewel on his forehead. He must have been some sort of figure because he wore completely different clothes from everyone else's light colored aesthetics. The person who had led me bows at 90 degrees to the person in front of us before standing straight up and speaking in a foreign tongue. They exchange a few sentences and the man in black and gold motions for me to walk to him. I look to the man in the toga who nods with a smile. I walk forward and stand in front of him.  He speaks to me in that other language as if I could understand. Desperately, I look to my guide and he does a rough translation.

"Leader Supreme welcomes you to Proxima."

I speak to the leader, "Where is Changbin?" The leader speaks and chuckles after.

"Young Leader is washing up for celebration of his return."

I mumbled to myself. "He destroyed Earth that quickly?"

The leader smiles at this and the Guide translates his next words, " You... will be given a room and place to wash up.. The servers will guide you." Two unhuman looking women approach me and lightly wrap an arm around my arms.  They both smile brightly and walk me over to the biggest building in the village. It was large and very tidy. Plastered in white and grey marble. High ceilings and vivid paintings hung above like a chapel. It was a rich persons wet dream of some sort. Especially when we entered the bathing area. It was like a giants shower. A huge rainfall of fresh water poured out from above and another animalistic looking cat-woman stood holding bowls of fancy soaps.

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