02 《 The Darkness 》

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Hope : Huh.....ummm....mommy where are you ? It's dark !
Mrs Davidson: What? What do you mean dark? What are you talking about ?
Hope : Mom... Mommy please turn on the light it's scary , please It's scary ( starts crying loudly while touching things )
Mrs Davidson: Hope, what are you saying David! David ! Come here ( starts crying )
Mr Davidson: What happened ?
Hope : Dadaaaaa turn on the light please please ! Mommy is not turning it on it's scary ! Dadaaa helppp me please !
Mr Davidson: Hope my baby calm down , calm down I'll take you to the doctor
Hope : No Dada no I can't see it doesn't feel good ( starts crying and screaming )
( Mr and Mrs Davidson rush Hope to the Hospital ..... After some time in the Hospital )
Doctor : We gave her some medicine so she is now asleep but her eyesight....umm the thing is we did a few tests which proved that ...well she has lost her eyesight and due to sudden blindness she started panicking
Mrs Davidson: What !? No , no , no this can't be ( starts crying ) my little Hope she is too young for all of this
Mr Davidson: Doctor please tell us what do we do ? I'll do anything for my child !
Doctor : Well there were chances to cure the disease before she lost her eyesight but now the chances for her getting her eyesight back are very few
( Mrs Davidson being shocked suddenly falls on the floor and starts crying Mr Davidson tries to calm her but it's very difficult for him to bear this bitter truth too )
( 3 years later )
Mr Davidson: Julia? Be quick we have to go the Hospital
Mrs Davidson : Coming ! ....Ok so we are leaving Hope to Nancy's house
Mr Davidson: Yeah , the doctor said he wants to talk about Hope's treatment progress
Mrs Davidson: Hope are you happy to go do Nancy's house?
Hope: Yes ! But don't forget to bring my eyes this time
Mrs Davidson: ( with tears in her eyes ) ...yeah mommy's gonna try her best... you just don't tease Nancy ok
Hope : Ok ! I am a good girl
Mr Davidson: Ofcourse you are after all you are my daughter
( At Nancy's house )
Nancy : It's so good to see you brother and you too Julia I always feel so happy when you guys bring Hope to my place
Mr Davidson: Haha ! It's nice to see you too how are your studies going ?
Nancy: Good ! I'll be be leaving Korea next month to study in UK
Mrs Davidson: That's amazing ! Study hard Nancy
Nancy : Ofcourse I will , anyways I'll bring something to eat
Mr Davidson: No , no we are already late for the appointment, we'll eat when we come back ok ?
Nancy : Oh ok , don't worry about Hope I'll take good care of her
Mrs Davidson: Thanks ! We'll be back in less than an hour don't leave Hope alone she gets scared
Nancy : Don't worry I am here for her, I hope the doctor has some good news for us
Mr Davidson: Hope ! My little Hope !
Hope : Yes Dada ?
Mr Davidson: We are gonna go now be a good girl and wait for us we'll be back soon
Mrs Davidson: Yeah don't tease Nancy mommy and Daddy will be back after some time and we'll all play together then okay ?
Hope : Okay ! Come back quick then I'll wait
Mr and Mrs Davidson: bye bye !
Hope : Byeee !!
( Mrs and Mrs Davidson leave for the Hospital)
Nancy : Here Hope play with this Teddy , I played with it when I was little
Hope : Really sisi you want me to play with your doll
Nancy : Yes because sisi loves you
Hope: I love you too
( Nancy's phone starts ringing )
Nancy : Oh ! Hello, who is this speaking ?
Stranger : Hi , umm are you familiar with people named David and Julia ?
Nancy : Yes , David is my brother and Julia is my brother's wife why did you ask ?
Stranger : Well , unfortunately I've got bad news !!

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