27 《 The World is More Than Just Black 》

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( After some time Adam comes in the operation theatre where everything required for the surgery is ready )
Adam : Lets get started then
( Hope grabs Adam's Hand with a scared look on her face )
Adam : ( Holds her hand ) Don't worry . I am here and I am going to make sure that you will be able to see more than just darkness
( Outside the operation theatre )
Ben : I wonder how is the sugery going
Marie : Me too , I am so worried
Ben : Well I am worried too but we should calm down because Adam is not going to let anything go wrong
Marie : Yeah i know he won't ( smiles at Ben )
( After 2 hours Adam comes out )
Marie : Adam ! How was the surgery ?
Ben : Everything went well right ?
Adam : ( Takes off his mask with a big smile on his face ) I did it ! ( tears start rolling down his eyes )
Marie : Yes ! ( Starts jumping in joy )
( Ben pulls Adam and Marie in for a group hug and all three of them start crying with tears of joy and laugh at the same time )
Ben : She won ! She is very brave !
Marie : Hope can finally be truly happy
Adam : Our little Hope is going to be happy now in her new life
( The next day Hope wakes up and feels like someone is holding her hand )
Hope : Adam ? Is that you ?
Adam : Yes it's me
( suddenly Marie hugs Hope )
Ben : Marie calm down she just had a surgery
Marie : My baf , i was just so excited , how are you feeling Hope ?
Hope : I am very happy that the surgery went well but .... why is it still dark ?
Adam : We have to keep your eyes covered for some time since they can't be exposed to light right after the surgery ( he tightens his grip on Hope's hand ) you really are a brave little champion wining the war of life aren't you
Hope : ( smiles ) I didn't win alone .... we won it all together
( 1 week later )
Adam : Ok Hope sit straight , everyone is here and as soon as I take off the bandage slowly open your eyes ok , are you ready !
Hope : ( blushes in excitement and nods with a warm smile )
( Adam slowly takes off Hope's bandage )
Adam : There we go .... now slowly open your eyes
( Hope slowly Opens her eyes and sees everyone standing infront of her some seemed to be crying some were smiling it was a scene that she couldn't even imagine of but the first face infront of her was Adam's so naturally tears start falling down her face )
Hope : ( touches Adam 's face ) Everything is so beautiful ( starts crying )
Adam : ( wipes her tears ) Don't cry this is the time for you to smile ( Adam kisses her on the forhead and smiles at her ) .... now everyone introduce yourselves one by one
Marie : H.....Hi ( cries ) I am Marie
Hope : You are beautiful ( spreads her arms for a hug )
( Marie hugs her and both cry to their heart's content )
Ben : I ... I am Ben ( pats Hope's head )
Hope : You look warm just like your vibe felt warm ( smiles )
Ben : ( looks away and blushes ) Jeez I know I am amazing you don't need to tell me
( Everyone starts laughing , suddenly a kid hugs Hope )
Samuel : Now look at your groom aren't I handsom !
Hope : ( smiles and pinches samuel's cheeck ) you sure are , young prince
Samuel : Now will you marry me ?
Adam : Hey come one kid , she just opened her eyes , what are you a chance seeker ?
Nancy : Hope .....
Hope : Sisi that's you right
Nancy : ( nods with teary eyes ) can I hug you ?
Hope : ( strats crying and spreads her arms wide for a hug )
( Nancy Hugs Hope )
Daniel : Hope can you forgive this bad uncle of yours ? ( says while looking down )
Hope : I never blamed you guys ever but if this will make you feel happy then I forgive you from today I'll be starting a new life and I will try my best to forget all the past sorrows . You can do that too ( smiles )
Daniel : ( hugs Hope ) you sure have grown up little Hope ( smiles ) this is a picture of your parents
Hope : They are beautiful . Mom , Dada look your daughter is very Happy ...( turns towards Adam with tears in her eyes and a big smile ) Won't you give me a hug too
Adam : ( slightly laughs and pulls Hope in for a warm hug )
( After 1 year )
" Hope Davidson do you accept Adam Williams as your husband ? "
Hope : YES ! YES I Do
" Now the groom may kiss the bride "
Life can be bitter sweet , sometimes with darkness and sometimes with light try to find the light of hope in darkness because the world is not only black it has many colours to it....

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