20 《 A Beautiful Memory 》

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( Later that day in Adam's car )
Adam : Okay so let's make things clear, Hope You will not leave my hand and your stick ok
Hope : Ok
Adam : And Samuel same goes for you , DO NOT leave my hand
Samuel : I wanted to grabs Hope's hand not yours ( says while sulking )
Adam : Hope can't do that that's why I am here now be a good boy and try to understand
Samuel : Ahh .... ( rolls his eyes ) okay
( At the park )
Adam : Where do you wanna go first Samuel?
Samuel : The Haunted House !!
Adam : Huh ? Aren't you scared
Samuel : No I am not. Don't worry Hope I will protect you
Adam : Hey , that's my line . Whatever let's go to the haunted house then .
( In the Haunted House )
Samuel : Woah this looks scary
Adam : Ha are you scared?
Samuel : No I am not !
Hope : The noises here sure are creepy ( tightens her grip on Adam's arm )
Adam : ( Puts his hand on Hopes hand ) it's okay I am with you
( All three keep walking when suddenly a man
* supposed to be a zombie * jumps in front of them and screams loudly )
Hope and Samuel : Ahhhhhhhh ( both cling to Adam
Adam : ( laughs ) What the hell ? That wasn't even that scary . And look at brave little Samuel
Samuel : I was just pretending
Hope : Don't laugh Adam I'm sure you will get scared too
Adam : No way
( As all of them go in the next room a big fake moth suddenly falls from the roof on the ground )
People in the next room : Wait was that a boy screaming ( laughs ) is it that scary
Hope : Pffttt.. hahahaha Adam I knew you would get scared let me guess was it a moth ?
Adam : Uhmm yes It was a moth but I was only pretending to be scared
Samuel : Don't use my lame excuse ( looks at Adam in disappointment )
( After some time outside the Haunted House)
Hope : Are we out?
Adam : Yes
Hope : Oh thank goodness ( leaves a big breath out )
Samuel : Ah Adam !?
Adam : What is it ?
Samuel : Bring your ear close
Adam : Uh ok ( leans towards Samuel )
Samuel : ( whispers ) The last monster was too scary .....
Adam : Yeah so ?
Samuel : ( whispers with a serious look ) I have wet my pants
Adam : YOU DID WHAT !?
Hope : What happened ?
Samuel : Don't shout , Hope will think I am so lame
Adam : Oh I see , It's nothing Hope , Samuel just needs juice I'll bring some for him you both sit on this bench and don't go anywhere . ( whispers in Samuel's ear ) I'll bring new pants and when I come back I'll take you to the washroom until then stay here okay
Samuel : Ok
Hope : come back quick Adam
Adam : I will ( goes away )
Hope : You really are brave Samuel you even went to a Haunted house
Samuel : Hehe I sure am. Hope , why is Adam scared of moths?
Hope : Oh it's because when we were at the orphanage Ben was messing with some moths on a tree . Adam went to Ben to tell him to stop but he didn't and eventually it angered the moths and instead of Ben they attacked Adam . There were probably 5 or 6 moths so Adam got traumatised
Samuel : No wonder he was so scared (laughs)
Adam : Hey don't laugh ! I am not that scared it just showed up infront of me suddenly that's why I screamed
Hope : Oh you're back !
Adam : Yeah anyways Samuel come you said you wanted to go to the washroom
Samuel : Oh yes let's go .
Adam : Hope stay here I'll be right back ok
Hope : Ok don't worry
( After Adam goes away someone comes to Hope )
Chris : Hey aren't you Hope the artist that's blind ?
Hope : ( startled ) yes I am
Chris : I am a fan of yours can I take a picture with you
Hope : Sure
Chris : ( Takes a selfie with Hope ) actually I know you from way back
Hope : really but I dont remember you . What's your name ?
Chris : Oh it's Chris ( smiles ) actually my dad used to donate things to the orphanage and I often went there with him. I ... ( puts his hand behind his neck ) I always thought you and your friends were so cool and wanted to become your friend but I was too shy back then
Hope : Really ? I see
Chris : Ummm can I get your number actually I like painting too so you could tell me some tips
Hope : Umm okay ( gives her number to Chris )
Chris : Thanks and ... I am not that shy anymore so can we be friends now?
Hope : ( smiles ) Sure
Chris : ( Blushes and shakes Hope's hand )
Adam : ( sees them from far ) Huh who is that and why is Hope shaking hands with him ?
Chris : I'll be going now it was nice to meet you see you later ( smiles)
Hope : Bye
( Chris goes away )
Adam : Who was that ?
Hope : ( tells Adam everything )
Adam : Oh I remember him , his Dad was a very nice man and he always used to hide behind him anyways you shouldn't have given him your number
Hope : I didn't know how to reject since he wanted to be friends
Samuel : Hope you are so kind you can't even say no
Adam : were you listening our conversation
Samuel : Well I am sitting here so ofcourse I would listen . I wanna sit in that fast moving ride
Hope : But you'd get sick
Samuel : No I won't
Adam : I don't trust your words anymore
Samuel : No I promise this time I won't get sick please , please !!
Adam : Okay okay !
( Adam and Samuel sit in the same seat and Hope sits on the one infront of them )
Adam : Are you sure you wanna sit there I think you should sit here with me
Hope : No it's okay the seats aren't that big you'd get uncomfortable
Adam : No I won't
( Hope turns towards her seat to sit when suddenly the ride starts and Hope falls on Adam's lap and Adam grabs her from her waist )
Hope : Oh my God, that scared me
Samuel : HOPE !
Adam : Are you okay ?
Hope : Yes I am . I'll go back to my seat
Adam : ( tightens his grip on Hope's waist )
Hope : Ummm Adam ? ( blushes )
Adam : The ride has already started you might fall again so keep sitting ( starts looking outside and blushes)
Hope : B... But it will be uncomfortable for you ( panicks )
Adam : It's fine I don't mind
Hope : ( starts fidgeting her fingers while being flustered )
Samuel : You can sit in my lap Hope
Adam : She can't, be quite and enjoy the ride
Samuel : Ughh whatever
( After some time at the restaurant in the park )
Adam : let's eat after that we'll go to the ferris wheel and then home right ?
Samuel : And ice cream ?
Adam : Yes and ice cream
( Meanwhile some strangers talking to each other sitting on the table behind )
Stranger 1: Hey look at that couple is that their kid ? Woah they have a kid at such a young age
Stranger 2 : Yeah that's amazing but both of them are so attractive right
Stranger 1 : Yeah It's a shame they are a couple though or else I would've asked for the boy's number
Stranger 2 : Yeah me too. I think I'd look good with him more than that girl. I mean she is blind
Adam : ( thinks )these stupid people are talking too loudly , if they are talking about us they should at least talk in a low voice . I want to knock some sense into them but she will get worried ( looks at Hope ) don't pay attention to them Hope
Hope : I know don't worry
(After eating, on the feris wheel )
Adam : It's getting dark . And look at this Samuel he is asleep
Hope : yeah
Adam : What's the matter Hope you seem a bit down
Hope : No I am fine
Adam : (carefully lies Samuel on the seat and sits with Hope ) are you sad because what those girls from earlier said ?
Hope : I mean they were right . You are very handsome and I am blind you could easily get a pretty girl
Adam : ( grabs Hope's hand ) You are the only one for me . When I look at you no one else seems pretty in my eyes . How could you even think like that
Hope : I am sorry , I just thought I am not compatible enough
Adam : You are saying that because you don't know how you look like yourself . Don't say that ever again
Hope : I am sorry ( shakes her head ) and you are right, I won't share you with anyone else !
Adam : Really ? I will forgive you but on one condition
Hope : What ?
Adam : It's always me who makes moves on you but now it's your turn
Hope : Huh me ? I .... ummm ( thinks ) You can do this Hope remember you told yourself not to panick anymore ) ... okay ! ( gives Adam a kiss on the cheek )
Adam : that's it ? ( laughs )
Hope : ( Blushes ) The feris wheel stopped let's get out
Adam : ( thinks ) As expected she couldn't do anything else but look at her blush she's so cute ( smiles )
Adam : ( drops Hope and Samuel Home ) okay then Bye
Hope : Bye !..... ( grabs sleeve of Adam's shirt) Th ... Thanks for today
Adam : ( smiles and hugs Hope ) You're welcome

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