24 《 Trust 》

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( The next night Ben goes to the balcony for some fresh air and sees Adam )
Ben : You smoking again ?
Adam : ( Throws the cigarrate away ) ... yeah
Ben : You know Hope wouldn't like to see that
Adam : I know
Ben : Anything bothering you ?
Adam : Well actually Hope is going to participate in a painting competition on Sunday and the people I told you about , they arranged a meeting on Sunday too . If I don't meet them it won't be good and on the other hand I don't want Hope to go there alone especially when Chris is participating too
Ben : I think you should go to the meeting it's important . Marie's gone on a school trip so I'll go with Hope
Adam : But don't you have practice on sunday ?
Ben : Oh don't worry about that it's not that important
Adam : Thanks man
Ben : Huh ? What do you mean by thanks ? When you were gone I was the one who took care of Marie and Hope , I would've gone with Hope even if you didn't ask
Adam : ( laughs ) sometimes you act like you are our dad or something
Ben : Get lost ( laughs ) now go and tell Hope about you not going with her
Adam : Ok
( Adam knocks on Hope's room's door )
Hope : Come in !
Adam : Uh Hope I wanted to tell you something
Hope : What is it ?
Adam : ( tells Hope everything )
Hope : I see ..... and even if I ask , you won't tell me what's the meeting about right ?
Adam : ( puts Hope's hair behind her ear ) I will tell you when the right time comes
Hope : .... ok
( On Sunday )
* Beep Beep *
Hope : Coming coming !
Ben : Quick or else we are gonna get late
Hope : Sorry I forgot to put some things in my bag
Ben : So, what is even this competition ?
Hope : Oh a person will tell us what to paint and we will paint it and then in the end they will give a reward to the best painting
Ben : Oh I see , well don't disappoint me by loosing
Hope : I won't loose !
( At the art studio )
Chris : Hi Hope !
Hope : Oh hi ....
Chris : Who is this with you ?
Hope : This is Ben my friend
Ben : Nice to meet you
Chris : Nice to meet you too Mr . Ben
Ben : No need of using Mr. just call me Ben
Chris : Sure anyways Hope let's go the competition is about to start ( grabs Hope's hand and rushes her away from Ben )
Ben : Hey ! Ugh.... this crowd .... where did they go . What the hell is wrong with this man why did he separate me from Hope ... I think I should go there and search for them
Hope : Chris wait ! Ben ... where did Ben go . Leave my hand Chris !
Chris : Hope I am sorry ( leaves her hand ) I separated you from him on purpose
Hope : What ? Why would you do that ?
Chris : I had something very important to tell to you and I thought it would be better if only you were the one to listen
Hope : What are you talking about Ben is not a stranger to me , you shouldn't have done this . I am going back ....
Chris : Wait ! It's something about Adam
Hope : What ?
Chris : Listen , I know you trust Adam but as a friend I was worried about you and I followed Adam as soon as he came out of your guys' house
Hope : why would you do that .... again Chris there is no need to do this
Chris : Don't worry I won't follow him again because what I saw this time was enough for me
Hope : What do you mean ?
Chris : Well when I followed Adam , he went to some house in an abandoned place and I saw that there were pretty dangerous looking people there too and I couldn't believe my ears because what I heard was not something I expected from Adam . They were making a deal about killing a billionare so that they could steal his money and Adam was the one who gave this idea those people looked very dangerous so I didn't listen to the whole conversation and came back
Hope : Chris I don't know why you are doing this but I am sorry I don't believe you
Chris : I knew you wouldn't believe me but you would believe me if you heard it yourself wouldn't you
Hope : I don't understand .....
Chris : I did hear them talk about another meeting at the same place tomorrow . I'll take you there so you could listen yourself
Hope : But _
Chris : Hope please , I am only doing this for you . Just trust me this once . If you find out that I was lying then even if you start treating me like a stranger , I won't complain please Hope .
Hope : ..... but promise me after this you will apologise to Adam for thinking so much wrong about him
Chris : Are you that confindent that Adam is innocent ?
Hope : Like I said I trust him but I will still go with you so that you don't misunderstand Adam anymore
( suddenly Ben comes )
Ben : There you guys are I was searching for you everywhere and hey Chris what gives why'd you take Hope and run away like that ?
Chris : I am sorry . I am so nervous because of the competition right now that I got confused and did that
Ben : Well whatever let's go the competition is already started
Chris : sure

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