17 《 Wishes 》

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Nancy : Hope my Baby ! ( Hugs Hope ) How are you ?
Hope : I am fine come in
Alex : Hello little Hope ( Pats Hope's head )
Hope : Hi uncle Alex
( Suddenly someone hugs Hope's legs )
Hope : Huh ? ( looks down )
Samuel : Hello Hope ! I'm Samuel and I am 5 years old
Hope : Oh ( picks Samuel up ) So you're my Sisi's child so cute
Samuel : Wow
Hope : What happened ?
Samuel : You really are beautiful ! Mom was right ( jumps down from Hope's hands )
Hope : Oh ! Did you get hurt ?
Samuel : No way I am strong boy . Mom ! Mom ! I like her !
Nancy : I knew you would after all our Hope is such a beautiful person inside and outside. Oh ! You must be Marie ( Shakes Marie's hand ) nice to meet you again
Marie : Same here ( Looks at Samuel ) Hi kid
Samuel : ( Shows his tongue to Marie )
Nancy : Samuel that's a bad thing to do. Say sorry to Marie
Samuel : Sorry
Marie : ( glares at Samuel ) It's okay
(Everyone sits in the living room )
Nancy : So Hope , I saw your paintings are very much liked by people
Hope : Yeah , Everyone is so nice I recieve so many orders
Alex : Well I am happy that's working well
Samuel : Hope ! ( Sits in Hope's lap ). You are so nice .
Hope : Hmm let's see, Samuel is complimenting me because he wants candy. Right then here you go tadaa ( Gives a lollipop to Samuel )
Samuel : Woahh ! Thank you but I really like you and I want to MARRY YOU !!
( Everyone starts laughing )
Adam : I won't allow that ( Says while his arms folded and leaning on the door )
Hope : Adam ! You're here ( smiles brightly )
Samuel : Huh , why ? Hope is mine and I will marry her
Adam : ( greets Alex and Nancy and sits beside Hope and pinches Samuel's cheeks ) I won't let you to steal my girl
Nancy : MY girl ?
Hope : Umm Sisi I ... I mean we ..
Adam : ( Grabs Hope's hand ) We are a couple !
Nancy : Oh my , Hope! when did that happen? you never told me
Hope : Last night so I didn't have time to tell you
Alex : It's fine as long as you are happy
Nancy : I am so happy our little Hope has grown up ( says with tears in her eyes)...To be honest the last time I met you I already noticed at that time. When Adam talked to you , you blushed so easily and the bright smile on your face . It was so easy to tell that you were in love
Adam : ( Looks at Hope ) Hope , you liked me back then too?
Hope : ( Looks down and blushes) Mhmmm ( nods )
Samuel : Wait , are you Hope's husband ? Like Father is Mom's husband ?
Adam : Not yet but I soon will be ( Smiles )
Samuel : No ! I will be Hope's husband !
Adam : Wow kid you know a lot of stuff at such a young age ( flinches)
Marie : Pfftttt ....Stupid Adam look at you getting jealous of a kid ( laughs )
Adam : ( flicks Marie's forehead ) I am not jealous
Marie : Owww ( covers her forehead ) Adam ! I am gonna kill you
Hope : Please don't start fighting again
Adam : It's not my fault Marie likes to fight with everyone
Marie : Samuel you don't like Adam right ? Good choice me neither haha ( Shows her tongue to Adam )
Samuel : I don't like you too ( says while sulking )
Adam : Pftt hahaha .. serves you right Marie
Marie : Darned kid ( says in a low voice )
Alex : Samuel don't be mean. Anyways we have to go visit my mother we will come back tomorrow and stay for longer
Nancy : ( Hugs Hope ) Let's talk properly tomorrow I wanted to sit more but Alex's Mom is sick so...
Hope : It's okay (smiles)
Nancy : ( thinks ) She always smiles but there is such visible difference in her smiles.
Samuel : No I don't wanna go
Alex : Samuel Gramma is waiting to meet you
Samuel : No if I go then this mister will marry Hope ( starts crying )
Adam : ( kneels down to Samuel ) Don't worry I won't marry her today
Samuel : You are pretty mister but when I grow up I will be prettier, then Hope will marry me
Adam : We'll see go to your Gramma's house now and tell her to wish for you to grow up quickly . Wishes of Elder people are affective
Samuel : Really ? Mom ! Father let's go quickly
Nancy : I don't know how you convinced him but thank you and I would like to talk about a few things when we come back okay ?
Adam : Sure
( After seeing Nancy, Alex and Samuel off , Marie goes out to meet Ben and Hope and Adam come back home )
Adam : So you liked me back then too right. ( Sits on the couch )
Hope : ( Nods Up and down)
Adam : Me too but I couldn't gather the courage to say anything and honestly speaking I also thought that I didn't deserved to be loved by you
Hope : ( Grabs Adam's hand ) Don't be sad you deserve all of my love
Adam : ( smiles ) ...Hey I just remembered why'd you give my lollipop to that kid
Hope : I'll buy another one for you ( smiles )
Adam : But I wanted one right now
Hope : Oh no don't drink a cigarette I'll go and buy one for you right now ( stands up )
Adam : Wait ( pulls her back down ) You can give me something else too
Hope : Hmm ? What?
Adam : For example ( leans towards Hope and gives her a peck ) .... There that was sweet too
Hope : ( hides her face in her hands and blushes ) Adam you make me feel butterflies
Adam : Really ? Mission successful then , ... hey don't hide your face ( takes her hand off of her face ) Wait are you crying !? Did you not like it ok I won't kiss you again without your permission so don't cry . I'm sorry
Hope : ( Hugs Adam and hides her face on his chest ) No , don't ask for my permission it's okay
Adam : ( wraps his hands around her ) then what's up ? You can tell me
Hope : I always feel so sad when I meet Sisi I don't blame her but I feel so sad . She came to visit me but I still miss her . Why is that Adam ? Am I too much selfish ? Am I asking for a lot ?
Adam : No you are not selfish you just want the love and attention you deserved . Maybe you are sad beacuse you can feel all the pain you felt back then . And I... I am sorry too because I was also _ ( gets interrupted)
Hope : Don't ! Don't blame yourself anymore. Stop thinking about what happened . ( Hugs him tightly)

Adam : I won't....don't cry I will give you all the love and attention you longed for don't worry you're not alone anymore
Hope : Thank you Adam . ( smiles)
Adam : Don't thank me this is what you deserve
Hope : ( smiles )

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