14 《 Little Moments 》

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( Marie takes Hope inside and Hope tells her about everything that had happened )
Marie : That a** hole Daniel I swear when I see him again I am gonna break his bones and feed him to vultures
Hope : Don't swear Marie !
Marie : Anyways where did that stupid Daniel go ?
Hope : I don't know Adam didn't tell me . I wanted to ask so many questions from him but he just avoided them and changed the subject
Marie : Well , maybe he isn't ready to tell us some things right now but I am sure he opened up about everything to Ben by now
Hope : ( Laughs ) That would be of no use for us because Ben won't tell us either
Marie : Ughh these two ( rolls her eyes and laughs ) ... anyways are you feeling alright do you need something ?
Hope : No I am just gonna go sleep now
Marie : Sure
( Hope goes in her room and closes the door )
Marie : ( thinks ) She looks so happy ( smiles but suddenly changes her expression into anger ) but Adam Williams if this time you make her sad I am going to make you pay
( Marie's phone rings )
Marie : Oh hey Ben did you talk with Adam
Ben : Yeah we talked about many things and he went to his home now I am going to mine . So see you tomorrow bye , and goodnight
Marie : ( smiles ) Goodnight Ben
( The next day it's 8 in the morning and someone starts knocking on Hope and Marie's apartment )
Marie : Who is it ? ( Gets out of bed and says in a sleepy voice with her hair messed )
( The knock doesn't stop )
Marie : Ughhhh for God's sake can't I even sleep on weekends !? ( opens the door and sees Adam holding a bag in his hand )
Marie : Oh its you ( closes the door )
Adam : Marie ! What the heck ! Let me in
Marie : ( Opens the door ) SHUT your mouth you woke me up at least let Hope sleep ..... what are you waiting for come on in !
Adam : Sorry but I thought you guys would be awake
Marie : We are not early birds like you Mr Adam
Adam : I'm going to see Hope ( Goes towards Hope's room )
Marie : ( Blocks his way ) Where do you think you are going ?
Adam : Uh .... in Hope's room ?
Marie : Nope , there is no way I am allowing that . She would be in her night dress and I can't allow you to see her until she changes
Adam : Does she sleep in short clothes and why are you acting like you are her mom
Marie : First of all yes Hope feels more comfortable in that short night dress and second that I don't need to act like it I AM HER MOTHER !
Adam : Okay okay ! You win I'll put this breakfast in plates
Marie : Sure ( turns Adam around and drags him to the kitchen ) get to work
Adam : Marie you... Ughh
( Marie goes in Hope's room and wakes her up )
Marie : Hope , wake up Adam is here and he brought breakfast
Hope : Adam ? Oh okay I'll be out in 2 minutes
Marie : Okay ( Goes out and there is knock on the door again ) who is it now ? ( opens the door and sees Ben ) Ben ?
Ben : Yes it's me ( pinches Marie's cheek ) I am here to have breakfast together
Marie : Oh yeah come in
( Hope comes out of her room )
Adam : Good morning Hope !
Hope : Good morning Adam ( smiles )
( All of them sit on the table )
Adam : Hope your hair might be disturbing you while eating let me tie them for you
Hope : I ... I am fine ( blushes )
Adam : It's okay I can tie them trust me
Hope : Okay ( gives Adam a ribbon )
( Adam collects Hope's hair from her neck and ties them and makes a beautiful bow)
Hope : Thanks
Marie : Woah who taught you to tie hair so nicely Adam ?
Ben : ( Rubs Marie's head ) Thank God Marie has short hair or else how would I tie ribbons cause I suck at that
Marie : Forget about yourself even I can't tie my hair properly that's why I cut them ( laughs )
Ben : ( laughs ) that's so like you ... anyways let's celebrate Adam's coming back tonight
Marie : Good Idea
Adam : Yeah let's do that, what do you think Hope ( looks at Hope and finds her smiling )
.... what are you thinking Hope ?
Hope : I feel so happy that we could sit like this and eat and laugh together again . I missed us
Marie : Yeah you are right , it does feels good
Hope : I wish we don't get separared again
Adam : ( grabs Hope's hand ) Don't worry , that won't happen again
Hope : ( Smiles even more )
Marie : Aww look at you you're so happy !
( At Night )
Ben : Marie ! It's been half an hour why aren't you both ready yet !
Marie : ( says from inside her room ) 2 more minutes
Ben : ( looks at Adam ) guess we're gonna rot here
( Marie and Hope come out )
Ben : Woah you look good Marie . Now I see why you guys weren't coming out let's go now
( Ben and Marie go out while talking to each other )
Adam : ( comes close to Hope ) since you look so pretty I am gonna forgive you for making me wait but _ ( Takes a tissue and wipes Hope's red lipstick ) this is distracting, let's go
Hope : ( touches her lips and blushes ) Hmm
( At the restaurant )
Marie : Finally the order is here and now for the beer !
Ben : No way, you can't drink that you become wild after drinking
Hope : Marie you'll get sick
Marie : I won't drink much I promise
Ben : Ok , but DO NOT break your promise
Marie : Yeah , yeah
Adam : Hope what are you drinking ?
Hope : Oh it's chocolate milk
Marie : She doesn't drink . I remember once she took a few sips and went berserk !
Adam : Oh I see ( pats on her head ) kids shouldn't drink alcohol anyways you should drink chocolate milk
Hope : I am not a kid ! ( says while sulking )
Adam : ( laughs and admires her cuteness )
( After some time )
Marie : I am SUPER MAN !! No wait _ ( hic ) I am a women no , no I know I am SUPER GRAMMA
( hic ) no , no that's wrong
Ben : Marie I told you not to drink much
Marie : Shut up BOYFRIEND !
Hope : Now you will get sick Marie
Marie : The only ones sick here are you two , sick in love that is ! ( laughs loudly and stands on the chair ) Adam Williams , Do you accept Hope Davidson as your wife ?
Adam : ( laughs ) yes
Marie : Then ( hic ) I pronounce you two Husband and wife , you may kiss now ! ( starts dancing )
Hope : Marie !
Adam : Hope , should we obey Marie ? ( smirks )
Hope : What .... I uh ... Marie is ... uh ( blushes and gets nervous and drinks beer instead of water )
Ben : ( Brings Marie off the chair ) we should go home Marie
Marie : You are my husband ( hugs Ben )
Ben : Soon ( tries to make Marie stand still but suddenly Marie vomits on Ben ) Oh no ! MARIE !? Ughh Adam I'll take her home before she starts beating people you two can come whenever you want okay
Adam : Mm okay ( looks and Hope and sees that Hope's face is red and she is singing something ) Hope ? Are you okay?
Hope : Nope....I think I drank beer
Adam : That's not good I don't have my car right now , we came with Ben what to do? ..... ( thinks ) Ahh come with me Hope
Hope : Where ?
( Adam grabs Hope's hand and takes her out )
Hope : What are you doing ? Are you gonna kidnap me ( laughs )
Adam : Indeed ( sits down with his back towards Hope ) my apartment is close from this place let me give you a piggy back ride
Hope : I am too heavy ( slaps Adam )
Adam: Oww no you are not, come now
Hope : ( Gets on his back ) Mother f*@ker
Adam : Hope did you just swear ? It's the first time I heard you swear that Marie sure has some influence on you , don't say that to anyone
Hope : Okay ( sleeps )
Adam : Wow and she's asleep ( smiles while carrying Hope on his back and walking towards his apartment)

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