08 《 Untouchable 》

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Hope : Ah it's Ben he caught me!
Ben : ( comes close to Hope in anger ) that was my hard work that you just stepped on !
Hope : I , I am so sorry I didn't do it on purpose ( becomes nervous and backs up a little )
Ben : No , a sorry alone won't do , you have to do my home work only then I can forgive you
Marie : Excuse me , first of all who the he'll throws their home work on the ground ? Of course the ground is to walk it's obvious that somw one would have stepped on it
Ben : I didn't throw _ ( gets interrupted)
Marie : I am not done here , she even apologized to you t even hough she didn't do it on purpose and then , you know it is very difficult for her to do home work but still you told her to do it ? What a pathetic bully
Ben : You _ ( gets interrupted again )
Marie : I don't wanna listen to anything just shut up ( grabs Hope's hand and goes away)
Daniel : How dare they insult our Brother Ben . I am gonna teach them a good lesson
Ben : Whatever just forget it
Daniel : But !
Ben : I said forget it
( Marie takes Hope to the park at the orphanage and both sit on the bench )
Hope : You shouldn't have said that much Marie ...
Marie : I couldn't control myself you were so scared and his behaviour was not acceptable ( says in anger )
Hope : ( being worried ) let's go Back now
Marie : Oh yeah, we should head back
( Marie and Hope stand up and start going back )
Marie : Hope let's take a short cut
Hope : No
Marie : why ?
Hope : I don't like short cuts there are barely any people there
Marie : Don't worry I am with you ( smiles and goes to the short cut )
Marie : We are almost there
( Suddenly someone come and stand in front of Hope and Marie )
Marie : What do you want ?
Daniel : You thought we would let you go away after insulting Brother Ben like that ?
Marie : We didn't do anything wrong and if you even lay a finger on us there will be consequences !
( Meanwhile while Ben encounters Adam )
Ben : Ughh it's this Brat again ! ( makes a disgusted face )
( Adam ignores Ben and keeps reading his book and suddenly a kid comes running to Ben )
Kid : Brother Ben ! Brother Ben !
Ben : What is it ?
Kid : It's Daniel , I saw him threatening Sister Hope and I think he is gonna beat Sister and her friend
Ben : Damn it ! Why doesn't that jerk ever listen to me !
( The kids leads Ben to the place while Adam joins them and they all start running )
Adam : Hope ! Hope ! Where are you ?
Hope : Adam !? I am here
Adam : ( runs to Hope and hugs her ) thank God you are fine I was so worried .Marie are you alright ?
Daniel : You should be asking that from me ( says in pain )
Ben : What ( looks down and sees that Marie is sitting on top of Daniel )
Marie : This brat thought that he could beat me huh ( laughs ) little does he know my so called father taught me martial arts
Ben : Damn ( smirks) serves you right for not listening to me though
Daniel : Brother! Help me up
Ben : ( grabs Daniel's hand and helps him stand up ) go now
( Daniel goes away )
Adam : You are amazing Marie !
Marie : I know ( smiles proudly and suddenly becomes angry and points at Adam ) hey leave Hope look at her it looks like she can't even breath
Adam : Oops sorry ( Leaves Hope and looks at her) she is blushing so hard just Beacuse I hugged her , so cute ( thinks to himself)
Ben : ( Hesitant) I .. I didn't know he would do that
( Marie punchs Ben on his arm )
Marie : I almost got hit if it weren't for Hope
Adam : ( smiles and looks at Hope ) did she beat him too?
Hope : ( nervous) N..n..no I would never that I heard Marie asking for help and randomly started swinging my stick and he got hit
Ben : pffffttt ( covers his mouth )
Marie : Don't laugh say sorry !
Ben : Why should I , I didn't do anything !
Marie : What, you little _ ( both start arguing )
Adam : ( pats Hope's head ) good girl
Hope : ( Blushes)
Adam : Hey Ben I thought that we should study together do you wanna come ?
Ben : Huh me ? why would I study with you guys ?
Marie : You stupid boy , don't you hace a heart? He is asking so nicely
Hope : Ben , don't say no
Ben : Whatever
Marie : haha , I know you agreed because you are bad at maths
Ben : No I am not who the hell told you that ? ( looks at Hope) Hope !
( Hope hides behind Adam while looking guilty)
Adam : ( looks at Hope and raises hi eyebrow ) Don't say anything to her . I'll help you
Ben : No way ( shakes his head )
Marie ( punches Ben at this head ) you are coming with us . Adam , teach me too
Ben : Stop punching me !
( All 4 of them sit in the garden and start learning)
Kid 1 : Woah what's with this new friend group ?
Kid 2 : Yeah I mean look at them , Sister Hope is so cute and kind everyone likes her , Sister Marie is so cool , Brother Adam is very good looking and intelligent and everyone is scared of Brother Ben and they respect him too
Kid 1 : Yeah they are untouchable !

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