15 《 In The Depths of my Heart 》

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( Adam reaches his apartment and lies Hope on his bed )
Adam : You are so pretty Hope , even when you are sleeping . Wait Hope is sleeping on my bed ( slaps himself ) What are you thinking Adam !
( takes off Hope's shoes and puts a blanket on her ) I promise I won't let you suffer anymore Hope ( kisses on her forehead and goes out of the room )
( The next morning )
Hope : ( wakes up ) where am I ? ( head starts hurting ) Ah I remember I drank some beer by mistake and Adam said he'd take me to his house... but .. what happened then ? I don't remember , I didn't do something embarrassing did I ? ( gets out of the bed and walks outside ) Adam ? Where are you ( smells the smoke of cigarette and follows the smell to the balcony )
Adam are you smoking ?
Adam : Oh you're awake , did you sleep well ( takes the cigarette out of his mouth with his two fingers )
Hope : You _ ( Goes inside )
Adam : What happened to her ?
Hope : ( comes back ) Adam you shouldn't smoke ( carefully snatches the cigarette from Adam's mouth and puts a lollipop in his mouth )
Adam : ( Takes the lollipop out of his mouth ) Hope ! Don't do that again what if you got burnt
Hope : Adam when did you start smoking ? It's bad for your health . From now on whenever you want to smoke tell me , I'll give you a lollipop ( says with a worried look on her face )
Adam : ( pinches Hope's cheek ) If that's the case then you better always have a lollipop for me
Hope : Don't worry I will ! There's always one in my bag ... umm Adam I wanted to ask another thing
Adam : Hmm what is it ?
Hope : I don't remember anything after I was unconscious I .... I mean that I uh ... didn't do anything bad did I ..? ( says with hesitation)
Adam : ( Smirks ) Well you sure did something pretty wrong
Hope : What !? What did I do ?
( Adam pins Hope against the wall and says in her ear )
Adam : Something really bad but I won't forgive you until I take my revenge from you
Hope : I am sorry Adam I don't know what I did but I am so sorry ( looks down in embarrassment and blushes )
Adam : As I said I won't forgive you until I take my revenge
Hope : Ummm I uh.. Adam ( nervous )
Adam : ( backs up ) I'll take my revenge later right now let's do some breakfast and then I'll drop you to your home
Hope : okay
( While eating Hope keeps playing with her food )
Adam : ( looks at Hope ) Hope don't play with your food . Don't you like it ?
Hope : Oh no no that's not it I love it .
Adam : ( smiles ) is there something else that's bothering you ?
Hope : I already told you the reason
Adam : Oh you're still worried about that ( gives an evil smile ) ok then I can't see you worried so l'll explain what you did ( comes close to Hope and grabs her face ) you grabbed my face like this and then you did this ( brings his face close to Hope's face )
Hope : Waahhhhh ( pushes Adam and jumps free from him ) I am going outside
Adam : ( starts laughing ) don't run you'll _ ( suddenly Hope hits her head on the door )
Hope : Ahhh my head
Adam : Oh no , ( Goes to Hope ) are you okay ?
Hope : ( pushes Adam and runs out of the door and says loudly ) HUMPTY DUMPTY ISN'T BROKEN !
Adam : Humpty Dumpty? Is she still drunk ? ( grabs his shoes and runs after her ) HOPE WAIT FOR ME !
( Adam drops Hope at her apartment )
Hope : I ... I'll be going in now
Adam : Okay I have something to do so I can't come in but give this to Marie ( puts something in Hope's hand )
Hope : What is it ? ( feels the thing ) Is this chocolate
Adam : Yes when she feels better give it to her and yes one chocolate is for you
Hope : Okay thanks Bye Bye ( waves )
Adam : ( laughs ) Bye
( Goes inside and bumps into someone )
Hope : Huh , Ben is that you ?
Ben : Yeah ( says in a painful voice )
Hope : Are you okay ? You don't sound very good
Ben : Good ? I am opposite to that . Marie has been throwing up and beating me the whole night she slept just 3 hours ago . I didn't even had a chance to take a shower and I was smelling like vomit so I didn't rest and took a shower and after I came out of shower I saw that the dish on the stove was on fire . It was the soup I had put on the stove for Marie but I forgot about it. Thank goodness I saw it on time or else the whole house would've been on fire by now ( says in one breath )
Hope : ( pats on Ben's shoulder ) I am so sorry you had such a rough night . Sit down I'll bring you something to eat and then you can sleep . I am sure Marie would feel guilty after hearing all that happened
Ben : Well I warned her not to drink so much . ( Falls on the sofa ) next time I am not gonna take her even a sip of alcohol
Hope : Me too ( smiles and goes to the kitchen and comes back after 10 minutes with pasta on a tray ) Ben here I made you some pasta . Ben ? ( puts the tray on the table and touches Ben's shoulder ) Ben ? Oh he is asleep ( brings a blanket from inside and puts on him ) I'll warm the pasta up when he wakes up I should let him sleep for now ( goes to Marie's room and kisses on Marie's forehead ) stupid Marie you cause so much trouble ( laughs and goes out to her room )
Siri : Incoming Call from Sisi
Hope : ( Takes a big breath ) Pick it up
Siri : Answering to Call from Sisi
Nancy : Hope ! Honey how are you ?
Hope : I'm fine Sisi how are you , uncle Alex and Samuel ?
Nancy : They all are fine . How are your friends ?
Hope : They are fine
Nancy : Hope are you angry with me for calling after a long time ?
Hope : No I'm not
Nancy : I was busy with Samuel's Exams but to make it up to you guess what , we are coming to Korea to visit you
Hope : Oh really ? You didn't have to if you were busy
Nancy : Hope I know you probably hate me because I left you alone but I won't explain myself because I admit I was selfish but there is no day when I don't think about you
Hope : I don't hate you Sisi . I can't do that and I know you care about me you have supported me so much
Nancy : Well thats still not enough , I'll come visit in two days . Take care
Hope : Bye
Siri : Ending call with Sisi
( After some time Hope is painting and Marie comes in and hugs her from behind )
Hope : Oh you're awake ! are you feeling better now, do you need something?
Marie : ( Sits infront of Hope ) I'm fine . I saw Ben sleeping outside and I know I did something terrible . Just rate on a scale from one to ten how much worse was my condition
Hope : Well ... it was 10 to be honest
Marie : Haisss ... You guys even warned me . I feel so bad for Ben
Hope : Yeah he is tired
Marie : What happened to you , you look a bit down
Hope : Well . Nancy called and said she will visit me in two days
Marie : Oh that's the reason. When she visited you at the orphanage you weren't happy back then too
Hope : It's not that I am not happy that she is back to visit me it's just that deep inside my Heart there is still that Little Hope who was left alone and who cried for parents love and who missed Sisi . At that time I didn't say anything because I burried my wish of wanting to go with Sisi and staying with her . There is still a child inside me that cries when it thinks about being an orphan ( says with tears in her eyes)
Marie : ( hugs Hope ) don't worry we are here with you , you are not alone even Adam is back and ( shakes Hope) how dare you say you're an orphan . I am you're mother and I am alive
Hope : ( laughs) yes mother

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