Chapter 2

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Yoko was the first to move, using the advantage of her speed to reach the girl laying prone on the forest floor. She quickly scooped up the bleeding brunette into her arms, her nostrils and pupils flaring dangerously at the fresh wound pumping delicious crimson onto the shrouded floor.

Suddenly, shifting into human form beside Yoko, shouted Enid.
"Move, you weirdo!"

She had a fire in her eyes and it felt like it was about to set her ablaze, because did she just fucking kill someone?

Prying the vampires inch long grip out of warm fleshy arms- grimacing at the pooling of blue from crescent indentations, Enid sighed heavily, thankfully hearing the soft rhythmic heartbeat coming from the girl.

Took wasn't a newly turned vampire, and she was on suppressants- but the blood was pouring out faster then her mortality could catch up, and she fumbled lamely to bump her back into the steady front of a tree.

Everything felt silent- maybe it was, if the crickets and birds sensed the danger lurking around them- or maybe Lycan ears were ringing in tune to the weaking thump of the girls pulse.

She had the stranger nestled into her chest, and didn't dare release her grip or strenuous gaze on the unconscious girl, but her voice was as sharp as her fangs undoubtedly extracted, were as she spoke.
"Okay, okay she's alive but... barely. Yoko, get help. Please."

She tried to ignore the smell of cinnamon and metal, something like fresh cocoa on a stone slab and sprigs of lavender that beckoned her to never let the girl go, swallowing against her dry throat

She barely caught the nodded assent before the vampire was off in a flash of forest greens, leaving the werewolf to cradle the human girl like a crystal among shards of deadly rock.

Perhaps she was the deadly rock- the enemy; the predator to the fragile human's sanctity. But her muscles did not flinch, her eyes did not blink. She stayed focused on every minuscule mannerism the brunette produced, which was heartbreakingly, near nigh, aside from the dimming beat from her heart.

Fanged teeth ground down, probably to the gum, as she spoke.
"If you die in my arms right now, you pretty strange girl, I'm going to kill you."


Enid span around on her heel for the upteenth time, the grandfather clock in the school infirmary waiting room, saddled neatly in the middle of the building, pricking her skin like a needle with every single tick.

"Edes, youre wearing a dent in the hardwood." Came Xavier's scolding tone from where her sat with an arm wrapped around Tyler, watching his best friend dart around the room with a brotherly-fondness only he could have as his childhood friends blood was dripping from her cut up clothes. But the usual bite wasn't there- it was flat, eyes distant as he tried to console Yoko nestled beneath his other arm, having not said a thing since they'd arrived.

Ajax- more a friend of Xavier's than anyone else, snickered from the windowsill where he nursed a on the rocks. He shifted the ice around, chuckling darkly as his gaze was drawn to the sudden change in weather outside the window.

"Uh oh, Calvary's coming!"

A woman in all black burst through the door not a second later, it's wooden flanks swinging off the hinges.
The woman- all high cheekbones and dark makeup- waisted no time in barreling forth, grabbing the vampire by the neck and hoisting her up into the air as she dangled helplessly.

Enid made a sudden stand to move from her anxious state, but Tyler kept a firm hold on her upper arm.

"What did you do to her?" She practically seethed, her eyes a war ship in the sea of a vampires mind; trying to piece together the pieces of the missing map.

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