Chapter 3

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Enid sighs, placing the flower on the beside table. She shuffles back at the unwavering glare piercing into the side of her head, left hand meeting right to centre herself. She tugs at her fingers. "I- it wasn't me, that hit you. It was my friend Yoko. She's a lot faster than me."

Wednesday's eyebrow quirks in that same way Morticia's did. Was it interest, humour...?

"So you're not even a good werewolf, then."

Oh. Insulting. Lovely.

Enid wouldn't let it get her down. She was a lot of things- but a quitter? Never. Perhaps it was hardwired into her brain, to be loyal and devoted. Maybe it was just who she was as a person, considering Ajax still had his favourite  snake attached despite his many attempts to woo her.

Nevertheless, something about Wednesday drew her in and frightened her all the same. She swallowed whatever self pity was starting to fester, puffed her chest. "I'm actually really fast, thank you very much

Wednesday looks her up and down, appraisingly. "Why do you look like a children's store personified? I thought werewolves were meant to be broody, and atteactive."

She stows her temper- known to flare up a bit, and instead pastes on a blinding smile, needing to redirect the conversation before smothering the raven haired girl with a pillow. "I'm Enid Sinclair."

She sticks her hand out, and most anyone wouldn't turn down a hand shake. It was just such an awkward thing to do.

Wednesday eyes it disinterestedly, looks to the nurse. "Can I leave?" she was a bit harsh, seemingly unthinking.

Awkwardly, Enid let's her hand fall to her side and clears her throat, an embarrassed blush crawling up her neck.

The nurse nearly jumps out of her skin, nodding and thrusting some painkillers and giving the usual dont overexert yourself spiel. She deftly avoids telling Wednesday if she feels worse to come back.

Enid looks to the strange things hanging around Wednesday's bed to keep herself occupied, narrowing her eyes at something that looks vaguely like a dead crow with cherry pits for eyes. How Morticia managed, in the half hour she was inside, set up all these mystifying things and change the bedding to all black- as well as redo braids that had come undone in the woods- was a mystery. Especially since she hadn't even brought a bag with her.

The Addams were odd. The younger, standing and watching her unblinkingly, the oddest of the bunch.

"So, I'm supposed to give you a tour of the school."

Wednesday doesn't say anything, and Enid doesn't know how she's gonna continue going like this because her dark glare is indelible, and it feels almost like she's been stripped bear of any defence and her entire soul is on display for Wednesday to pick apart, to dissect and whatever assumptions she makes will probably be correct- and that's terrifying because Enid can't change things about herself that make her a whole.

And she doesn't know why she's thinking so intently about this, nor why she's so worried about what this one girl will think about her-

She's fearless and confident and proud, like any good werewolf should be, and she'll be damned if she let's Wednesday Addams make her doubt herself- and Wednesday is still staring.

Wednesday is unblinking, eyes intense and staring for uncomfortably long. Her hand sneaks out from behind her back, slamming the flower on the table into a cloud of black ink and lead, gaze unwavering.

Okay, then.

Wednesday says nothing, standing and very quickly putting her things into the black suitcase by her bed, spinning on her heel and disappearing into the hall and leaving Enid to trip over her own two feet in her haste to follow.

It's becoming significantly more bone challenging to not take Wednesday's offer of murder up instead, acquiescences.

The halls are empty- students in classes, and the only thing filling the vast silence is the rickety wheels of Wednesday's suitcase on ceramic tiling.

Click. Click. Click.

Enid has a thousand questions on her tongue- most of them for herself because she's frustrated and wants this strange girl to just speak to her but she doesn't, and she isn't going to despite Enid's best attempts to strike up a conversation. Her words seem to fall on deaf ears, and her presence seems to be worth little to nothing.

Enid has shown a lot of students around- as her student council job details, but none of them have been this abrasive. Not even the vampires had been, despite Yoko often telling her she smelt akin to a old sock. They were still polite enough.

Wednesday was an odd case, that Enid couldn't help but want to crack.

Wednesday glances back as Enid slows to a stop at the front office, where Ms Thornhill is waiting with a warm smile and kind eyes that the blonde finds immediate relief in.

She looks up from her paperwork on the desk she sits behind, grinning.
"Enid! So good to see you, i didn't know when you'd show up so I've just been doing busy work in the meanwhile."

Wednesday makes a sound in the back of her throat. "So you're just as abhorrently boring as everyone else."

Ms Thornhill looks over her glasses at Wednesday, standing and moving around the desk with a flower in her hands.

Wednesday bristles at the sight of another flower- but relaxes at the sight of a black dahlia.
"My favourite flower," head tilts. "How did you know?"

She takes it with a delicacy Enid's heart slams against her ribs at, and Thornhill smiles. "It's mine too. I think we could be a lot alike, you and I."

Blinking. "I highly doubt that."

Ms Thornhill doesn't seem slighted by Wednesday's cruelty, reaching around herself to grab an envelope. "Your welcome packet. It outlines all our extracurriculars, our dining schedule and everything you need to know about Nevermore academy! It also is filled with tons of information on the different resources and accommodations we make on a person-by-case."

Wednesday takes it, as well as the sheet of paper with her dorm details, Wednesday's mood plummeting even further that Enid felt the energy being sucked from the room.

The ginger teacher didn't seem perturbed by it- offering a wry and almost knowing look to the duo. "Welcome to Nevermore, Wednesday. I'm sure you'll find all you're searching for here."

She smiled warmly one last time, as Wednesday stomps out the room leaving Enid- once again- helpless to follow. Would this be how their entire time together would go?
Wednesday storming away- closed off and stormy, with Enid drawn to her no matter how much more bruised, beaten and defeated she got with every step?

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