Chapter 6

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Wednesday returns to the room- finding it empty. She briefly remembers Enid and her friends mentioning something about a student council meeting during class, but rapidly tuned them out when the noise was becoming too nauseating to stomach.

Earlier in the day, she had been satisfied just by annoying the bubbly blonde and making her flustered, but she wasn't quite done, the curiousity now a genuine itch rather than a desire to cause mayhem.

She looks to the laptop laying on Enid's bed. If she didn't want someone to go through her things, she shouldn't leave them out like that. That was common sense, and if anything, a lesson to be learned.

Wednesday did love teaching common sense to the more simple-minded people of her generation.

Without preamble, she grabs it, sitting on the bed remarkably more comfortable than hers, and tries to breathe through her mouth because the smell of Enid is everywhere and she feels like her brain might start bleeding if she doesn't escape this side of the room soon. And the forest of stuffed animals is starting to creep her out in a very Teletubbies frightening sort of way.

She opens the laptop. No password. Silly werewolf with a heart of gold.

Her eyes are assaulted by the self made collage of her friends- and unwillingly, Wednesday's eyes fall to one photo, the camera has that glare from a raindrop on it and there's a sprinkler in the background drenching everyone in its vicinity. Enid is smiling- she's soaking wet, sunshine and it makes her stomach lurch in an entirely new way.

She wasn't... adept, at these types of things. She preferred paper and ink. Technology was not something she knew well, aside the family computer. It was outdated and barely functional, equipped with an oversized brick of a computer and an even heftier monitor. The monitor was one of the cube shaped ones with all the slits in the sides, the kind that looked like a comically small television.

She clicks open the browser, eyebrows furrowing at the sight of something called "KPop Essentials" on an odd website called Spotify. She didn't trust the modicum of taste Enid had, and bristled at whatever it could possibly be. She'd sooner launch herself through the mosaic window then entertain whatever brain-rotting media the blonde consumed
She sorted through nearly 2 dozen random pages filled with borderline sapphic content, and some Amazon wish lists. It was intriguing. But not enough reason to act like she'd be persecuted if it got out.

Then, she's met with a wall of text. It's blinding and makes her head ache, so many words condensed into some form of blog entry.

"So.There's this girl..."

The sapphic content made sense now, at least.

There's a key in the door, Wednesday's ear pricking at the noise as she deftly moves to her side of the room, the laptop left exactly where it had been.

"Hi roomie!" Enid greets, a blinding smile on her lips and blue eyes hidden between heavy lids. Even in exhaustion, she was still as chipper as ever.

Incredibly nauseating.

Wednesday looks up from the book she had opened to a random page, blinking. "Hello."

Enid seems surprised, stalling in taking her bag off. She was used to Wednesday's abrasive nature, and expected some form of jab about the new student council shirts Bianca had bestowed upon them- bright blue with different graphics of supernatural creatures on it, to encompass unity. She loved it.

Wednesday didn't even seem to notice.

Wednesday flips the page, seemingly breaking them out of whatever frozen plane of time they'd been in lost in.

What a stupid analogy.

"So, how'd you like Yoko?"

Wednesday sighs.
"My attempted murderer? She's difficult to stand. And embarrasses you a lot."

Enid seems to deflate. "I adore her." Perks up.

Enid sits on her bed, bouncing a bit as she plays with the ears of one of her stuffed animals.
"Good! You should join us for lunch tomorrow!"

Wednesday feels her eye twitch at the amount they're speaking. She prefers solitude, and Enid is slowly ebbing away at that like some sort of harbinger of happiness. She feels a bit nauseated, but for some reason, won't stop talking.

"I don't eat lunch."

A frown to Enid's eyebrows. Wednesday notices, because she's been re-reading the same line this entire time and can't help when her eyes go astray, seeking out something... more interesting than reading.

Thing senses her distress, climbing out from beneath the bed where he'd made a bed to sit on her shoulder. Enid looks positively frazzled.

"Is... is that, like... bewitched?"

"Thing. T. Thing has a name, which you should acquaint yourself with. And no. He was one once part of a body too ghastly for the eyes to swallow," she mindlessly strokes Thing's fingers, as he burrows his palm into her shoulder blade in something akin to a cat curling up. "eiskaltes Händchen. Icy little hand. He's very useful, and my dearest confidant."

Enid's mouth is ajar, blinks. Once. Twice. "Okay- but... is he magic?"

"No. He's just a hand." Wednesday's lips twitch up in amusement at the blondes confusion. She feels Thing tap something onto her shoulder.

"He says it's a pleasure to meet you."

Enid perks up, her confused frown smoothing. "You too! Uhm, does Thing speak?"

Thing crawls down to rest in the palm of Wednesday's hand, making hand motions that Enid seems to follow. "Oh! Sign language and Morse code! That's so smart."

Thing taps in her hand. "Thing says he likes the scarf on your head you've been wearing."

Enid seems to double her body weight in excitement, grabbing the pink monstrosity from her bed quickly extracting claws. Wednesday's eyes were drawn to them, semi-grounded by the never ending movement of Thing.

They chatted animatedly, and Wednesday couldn't bare herself to look away or even tell the blonde to shut her mouth before she sews it shut with the rainbow threads of her own backpack.

No. She watches the steady rise and fall of Enid's chest, watches rosy lips smile and a blue eyes light up like electricity as she speaks. She thinks back to the entry of the blog post. It wasn't shocking that Enid would be interested in women. She looked like pride had thrown up, after all. And it wasn't something earth-shattering. Wednesday had hoped for a murder confession or a deep dive into the Addams family, but instead stumbled upon Enid's crush.

Crushes were a useless thing. An emotion Wednesday was bereaved from. Romance was arbitrary in a time when people were meant to be making names and lives for themselves, learning about who they are instead of falling at the feet of someone who could so easily tell them who they are is not good enough. Heat burns through her- like a lick of a dragon, from her toes to her spine and unfurling into something deeply unpleasant in her stomach.

Who was this girl?

Not good enough.

It couldn't be Yoko, they had no chemistry at all. Enid didn't seem to have that romantic spark with anyone. Wednesday had only read maybe two romance novels- as a writer must be acquainted with all genres- and felt adequately armed to make the proper  analysis into finding whoever this crush could be. She would meddle about when the opportunity arose.

For now, puts it on the back burner, tuning back into reality like getting water out of her ears when Enid offers to make her something called a snood.

"When did you learn sign language?" She asks, completely discarding the book limply in her hands and notes that Thing is now cozied up by Enid. Traitor.

Enid smiles soft and sweet.
"I learned sign language because a packmate of mine was born deaf, and I didn't want him to feel like he couldn't be heard or understood. I actually managed to get a whole group of us into some classes to learn."

Enid as a person is incredibly soft and sweet, Wednesday thinks chastely, when the blonde starts working on a black Snood.

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