Chapter 9

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Yoko makes a sort of strained expression, waving frantically in apology and slamming the door behind her. Enid jumps at the sound.

Wednesday hasn't stopped glowering.

Enid swallows, shyly dropping her head to look at the coverlet of her bed. She flexes her claws into the fabric. It rips.
"Yeah. Figured why not."

Wednesday hums. "I thought you would attend with a girl."

Enid nearly gets a second TBI, snapping her neck up so fast it cracks. "Why- why would you think that?"

Wendesday shrugs, motioning to the laptop on the floor. Enid's eyebrows knit together, then... her stomach bubbles and she feels a surge of anger in her.

"You went through my stuff? What the fuck, Addams!"

Wednesday, predictably, doesn't seem fazed. "Passwords were invented for a reason. Even I have a lock on the drawer of my desk to prevent invidivuals from rummaging through."

Enid groans, tilting her head to rub her neck in frustration, pushing down a little too hard on her jaw that she feels a bruise forming. "That's fucked up! You can't just-."

Takes a breath. Breathes in, breathes through, breathes deep, breathes out. "What did you exactly read."

"I saw your blog say something about a girl. I did not read further. That would be prying." Her lips upturn devilishly, a sight that makes Enid's throat run dry. But her eyes are blazing- anger.
"I planned to return to read it when you weren't home, but alas, you stupidly injured yourself."

Her flush darkens. "That wasn't my fault! And that isn't the point. Maybe if you weren't so fucking obsessed with being a closed off, avoidant person you'd actually know what I meant!"

She regrets it as the words come out. Wednesday doesn't stab her- doesn't even threaten her. Just blinks. And gets up.

"Willa, I didn't mean it-"

Wednesday stills. "Do not call me that." leaves the room.

What a fucking mess she's found herself in.

And worst of all, she wishes she could chase after her. Even if she would end up strung from a gibbet or facing down a guillotine, just so Wednesday knew. Could just open her fucking eyes and read the damn blog entry she'd dubbed incoherent out of thin air one day- and it all made sense and nothing made sense and her head was hurting far worse from this situation then the fracture in her skull.

Thing hops onto the bed, scurrying up to lay on her leg. "God, Thing, what do I do."

He raised his pinky and thumb. A shrug.

She sighs, leaning into the soft pillows and willing herself to rest so she'd hurry up and heal so she could beat the living hell out of her best friend.


She slept for three days straight. Thankfully, had a pass from the nurse for the week off. But she felt loads better, aside the fact she thinks she might eat the mattress from the unsettling growling in her stomach and shave her head from the mats in them.

And don't get her started on the state of her nails. They'd grown rapidly and were a virgin mess.

Strangest thing was, Wednesday's side of the room was untouched. As if she hadn't even been there. But there was a coffee- still warm to the touch- and something fresh from a bakery on her beside table. It didn't bear the logo of Tyler's workplace, and none of her friends went anywhere else- swearing loyalty to Tyler's place of employment.

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