Chaoter 7

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Wednesday learned what Kpop was the following afternoon. She'd been trying to finish the latest instalment of her novel, when something ear-splitting and vile filled the room.

And she hadn't just meant that in regards to Enid's singing.

Or the sound of sneakers squeaking on hardwood from what she could only imagine was the flailing, awkward version of dancing.

Wednesday grits her teeth. Taps her foot. "Please turn that off. It is sacrilege to the sanctimonious art of sound."

Enid scoffs from somewhere behind her, to the side of her, all around-

Wednesday spins around in her chair, a growl on her teeth. She hadn't expected for Enid to be any easier to deal with, even a week into their unfortunate living predicament, but she certainly hadn't thought she'd get more annoying.

Enid smiles, bright and cheery and it's infuriating. Partly because Wednesday feels something fluttering in her chest, and partly because she'd promptly become accustomed to the idea of Enid in early stage rigor mortis.

Alas, she was as alive- if not more so- than ever.

Wednesday's eye twitches. "Why are you so obnoxious today?"

Enid is wrapping a scarf around her neck, spinning around with her hands in front of her like in the midst of a romantic waltz and it's all wrong and her footing is off and-

Wednesday berates the voice in the back of her head telling her to show her how to do it properly. It was either the Addams side, proficient and enamoured with the fine arts, or her Addams side, that was a hopelessly enthralled with intimacy and affection.

She longed to take a stab to her birth right, and be known as only Wednesday. If Bethoven and Pachelbel could go by a monogram, so could she.

"Because, silly!" Enid finally turns the volume down, bouncing on her heels excitedly. "The annual Rave'N is next month!"

Wednesday blinks. "What in the heavenly name is a Rave'N?"

"Our school dance! The theme this year is Enchanted Forest. It's going to be so fun!"

Wednesday tilts her head, considering. "Is it mandatory?"

Enid frowns. "No. It should be though! Oh, I should totally bring them up at student council! We could get it passed by admin as a result! Good idea, Willa!"

Bristling. "Dont call me that."

Enid rolls her eyes, "Whatever. You're gonna come, right?"

Wednesday scoffs soundlessly, levelling her deadpan. "I'd sooner chew off all the skin on my fingers and dip myself in a pool of acid then attend something so juvenile."

Enid blinks. "That sounds like something you'd enjoy."

Wednesday beams a dead-eyed smile. "Precisely. Now, please take your foul music and leave me to write in peace before you join my garden of bones."

Thing, who was resting perilously on the edge of the bed leaps like a flying squirrel toward Enid, who catches him and beams.
"You're totally welcome to be my date to the dance, Thing."
Her tone turns sour. "Considering I doubt anyone else will ask me."

Wednesday stills her fingers on her keyboard. "You know, it's a very backward way of thinking to await someone to ask you to court. You are a woman. Act like one and do it yourself."

Silence befalls them at the unsolicited and oddly kind advice. Wednesday felt like her throat was on fire, and wished so desperately to bite her tongue off. Enid makes a sound- a strange cross between a gasp and a sigh, and chokes on it.

She stammers. "I- I wouldn't even know who to ask."

Wednesday blinks down at her fingers, a frown on her lips. "I'm sure you will find someone half as tolerable as you to go with."

Enid is greatfull the goth has her back to her, because her face is on fire and Thing is signing something vaguely suggestive that makes it feel like the heat is going to burn her alive.

"I'm- time for class. I'll see you!"

Wednesday doesn't say anything, because finally, she doesn't know what there is left to come from her mouth that was moving against her own volition.


Enid's classes pass in a blur, her stomach uncomfortably knotted together. She hadn't been able to eat breakfast, or lunch, because she'd been so busy thinking about Wednesday to even feel the effects of her hunger. In truth, she'd been thinking about Wednesday for days and just hadn't noticed because her brain always ran rampant with stray thoughts to ever think of one for too long. But she couldn't stop now. Everything else displaced by unblinking eyes and twitching lips and freckles.

She knew what this was- Wednesday wasn't the first crush she'd ever had. She had a crush on her 8th grade lab partner, and her older brothers friend. But this was somehow stronger. It took the air out of her lungs and she couldn't think straight (pun fully intended) anytime the broody girl was near.

But Wednesday didn't return her feelings. Wednesday didn't look at her like she was on fire and Enid was the only source of water that could douse the flames, a disguise for kerosene in human form. Every withering look had the hairs on the back of her neck standing up, and every little tug at her lips in the closest thing to a smile Wednesday could manage made her feel like she'd accomplished something revolutionary.

So, when Ajax asked her to the dance, she agreed.
She didn't have any issues with Ajax- he was a kind-of friend. He was funny at times, cool, took care of himself. And Gorgon's were an interesting creature, so he could protect her.

She scoffed to herself, rounding the corner to the descending stairs. As if she needed protection.

One fell swoop, however, of a misstep on the stairs had her plummeting down faster than her starvation-mode brain could move. She tried to shift, to stop herself from crashing into the stone statue but she was weak and tired and her claws flexed lamely as her head went splintering into the base of the statue. It crumbled down on her prone form.

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