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The land of Westeros is filled with thousands of stories and legends. Some depicting tales of giants or of people with great magic. Throughout the continents thousands of years of history, the amount of these legends of only grown. However, these legends only remained legends. There was however one mythical creature that proved to be real, demons.

Demons are monsters that come out in the night to feast on the flesh of people. These monsters possess inhuman strength and are able to regrow whole limbs in seconds. Some of these demons have been said to even wield powerful blood magic. The most frightening fact about demons is that they were all once humans. All it took was a few drops of blood to transform them into monsters.

The first demons appeared during the Age of Heroes, when Bran the Builder was exploring the vast North. The legends tell of how they would strike in the night and were able to devour entire villages. No matter how hard they tried, the humans were no match for them. Their steel shattered upon the demon's skin, and no matter how fast they ran they could never escape. The only place that was safe were those around weirwood trees. For some reason, the demons never went near the trees. Even with the protection of the weirwood the humans were stilled greatly outmatched. That was until Bran made a shocking discovery.

Bran found himself facing off against a demon as dawn was approaching. He had managed to pin the demon against a tree with his great sword. As the demon fought to free himself, it failed to notice the rising sun. The moment the light came into contact with the demon, it was reduced to ash.

It was at this moment the humans realized that the demons could be killed, that they had a chance. Although daytime didn't last forever, so they needed to find another way. And that solution was nichirin steel. A special metal that can be crafted into any weapon. More importantly, when it cuts off the head of a demon, it kills the beast. There are some that say that nichirin was gifted to the Northerners by the children of the forest; there is no evidence supporting it.

And so began the battle, the humans vs the demons. Even with their numbers, the humans struggled against the demons. But with combined efforts, the Northerners prevailed. However, another problem would soon occur. While the Northerners were busy fighting the demons, they failed to notice that some slipped past them and made it south. There they caused even more pain and suffering.

Years had passed before proper action was taken. Men from all across Westeros, from Dorne to the North, came together. These men had one goal on their minds, to rid the Seven Kingdoms of demons. It was here a new guild was formed, one who's sole purpose was to protect the people from demons. It was here the Demon Slayer Corp was born.

For hundreds of years the Corp stood tall, and for hundreds of years they prevailed. The war they waged managed to subdue to the rising threat of the demons. The Corp remained true to their duties and stayed out of conflict between the kingdoms. Even as Aegon the Conqueror arrived on dragon back, they were quick to bend the knee and prove they were not a threat to him.

However when the Dance of the Dragon occurred, there was chaos among the order. Members of noble families fled to aid their families, those loyal to them would follow soon. As a result, the Corp was nearly destroyed in the crossfire and the demons thrived. As payment to the Corp, they were gifted the castle of Harrenhal to use as their new headquarters. With the mighty keep, they were able to restore their numbers and return stability to the realm.

There has always been people who sought out to make the Demon Slayer Corp theirs, for their own army. The members of the Corp had stayed out of affairs and remain loyal to their duty. The Corp will always be a symbol of unity, where everyone is equal. Everyone from the highest born noble to the lowest peasant to even a bastard. Even women are permitted within their ranks.

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