Chapter 12 Mountains of the Moon

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The sun began to sink behind the tops of the mountains. For a majority of the day it rained, leaving the impending night to be full of chill. Despite the cold they only allowed small fires for light. The moon started to rise in the sky, the light form it illuminated the dark lands.

Back at the Inn at the Crossroads, Catelyn Stark had seized Tyrion Lannister for the supposed crime of having conspiring to murder her son. Seeing as he had no other option he allowed them to tie him up along with his two guards. Yoren being a demon slayer left him, not wanting to get involved in the conflict between two nobles.

Along with Lady Catelyn was master-at-arms Ser Rodrik, a few men in service to House Whent and Bracken, two sellswords, and a singer named Marillion. The soldiers of House Frey rode off, not wanting to get involved.

Catelyn Stark had announced that they would be heading back to Winterfell, but a few hours into their journey the forest and rivers started to disappear, and mountains took over the terrain. They wouldn't be heading to Winterfell; they would be heading to see Catelyn's sister in the Eyrie.

Tyrion was pulled roughly from his horse and kicked in the back, forced to start walking. Marillion began singing a mocking song about Tyrion, the Imp wished he could cut off his tongue. Tyrion shivered within his soaked clothes, wishing to be near one of the fires. He soon came face to face with Catelyn and Ser Rodrik.

"I think I speak in the interest for everyone here when I say it would be best if you built bigger fires." he said.

"These mountains are filled with hill tribes, when they see a fire they see a target." Catelyn said coldly.

"This is a cruel land, Lady Stark. You'll find no succor until you reach the Vale, and each mount you lose burdens us all even more. Worse, you risk loosing me. I am small, and not strong, if I die then what is the point of all of this?" he asked her.

"It might be that your death is the point of this, Lannister." Catelyn Stark replied.

"I think not," Tyrion said. "If you wanted me dead, then all you had to do was say the sword and one of your friends here would have gladly given me a red smile."

"The Starks do not murder men in their beds." she said.

"Nor do I" he said. "I tell you again, I had no part in the attempt on your son's life."

"The assassin was armed with your dagger." Catelyn said sharply.

Tyrion felt the heat rise in him. "It was not my dagger. How many times must I swear to that, Lady Stark? Only a fool would arm a common footpad with his own blade."

Just for a moment, he thought he saw a flicker of doubt within her eyes. But then she said, "Why would Petyr lie to me?"

"Why does a bear shit in the woods?" he demanded. "Because it is in his nature. Lying comes as easily as breathing to a man like Littlefinger."

Ser Rodrik stepped forwards, his hand on his dirk. "I shall I cut his tongue out my lady?"

'Why, am I starting to make sense?" Tyrion asked.

Catelyn looked at Tyrion with such coldness, it was like nothing he had ever seen. "Petyr Baelish loved me once, back when he was a boy. His passion for me was a tragedy, but it was real and pure. He wanted my hand, that is the truth of the matter. You truly are an evil man, Lannister."

"A you are truly a fool Lady Stark. Littlefinger loves no one but Littlefinger, and I promise you it is not his hand he boast of, it's those ripe breasts of yours and that sweet mouth." Tyrion said. One of the Bracken men, named Kurleket, grabbed Tyrion by his hair and yanked it harshly, making him shut up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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