Chapter 9 Jon's First Mission

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a/n: The image above is what Pinkmaiden will look like.

It was early in the morning, the first rays of the sun started to appear over the horizon. In a quaint little farm, situated in the Riverlands, the farmer was now waking up. He was a grizzly man, with a bushy beard and hardened skin. Every day he would wake up at the crack of dawn and begin tending to his crops. However there was something else he must do first.

The only child the farmer had was a daughter. At her young age she was pretty thing, most men sought her out and other girls felt envy. When the farmer woke up in the morning, he found her room empty, leaving him to wonder where she had gone. He looked around and saw the doors to his barn open.

"Clara, you in there girl!" he called out but got no response. So he decided to investigate.

He walked through the doors and looked around. Nothing was out of place and it looked like no one had been there since yesterday. About to leave, the farmer turned but something fell on his head. It was water, so he raised his hand to wipe it off. That was when he saw it, as he brought his hand down he saw that it was covered in a red substance, blood.

More blood dripped onto to him. He looked up to see what it was, and then from the roof and landed in front of him, splattering blood all over him. The farmer stepped back in horror, realizing what had landed in front of him. It was the corpse of his daughter, chunks of her missing, as if something was eating her. Her low jaw was ripped off, an entire arm was missing, and a large hole was in her chest. The farmer screamed so loud, it startled the nearby birds.

Back within the thick woods, the assailant was running away as he wiped the blood from his mouth. His only thought was who would be his next meal.

(scene change)

Jon had never felt more alive than now. He traveled across the Riverlands on his own two feet, his own speed had astonished him. The wind blowing through his hair, the feeling as his feet pounded against the ground, it made him feel alive. Ghost ran next to him, Jon was fast enough to keep up with the direwolf. It was as if the two were one, for both were on the hunt, the hunt for demons.

By day they ran across the land, stopping occasional for rest and a drink. By night Jon would sleep in a ditch, making a fire as Ghost hunted dinner for the two of them. It had been a few days since Jon and Ghost departed from everyone, and soon they would be arriving at their location.

As they cleared a hill Jon caught a glimpse of his destination, Pinkmaiden, the seat of House Piper. There sat a large town, located next to a river with a few farms scattered around. In the middle of it all sat the castle where the nobles lived.

"So, this is where it begins." Jon said to himself.

Deciding not to waste anymore daylight, Jon and his direwolf pressed on. Soon they arrived at the town gates, above flew the sigil of House Piper, a pink maiden on blue. Once the guards at the gate saw that he was a demon slayer, he let him in without question.

Jon wandered throughout the town, taking in the sights, looking for any clues of his potential target. As he walked, he noticed people would stare at Ghost and whisper about him. However, no one was bold enough question Jon up front. A few minutes had passed, before Ghost had come to a halt. He began to sniff the air, as if he had caught onto something.

"What is it boy, what have you found." Jon asked his traveling companion. Ghost continued to sniff, before turning his head into a direction and running that way. Jon followed closely behind. They ran through alleys and across streets, people jumped out of the way, narrowly avoiding them.

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