Chapter 3 The Final Selection

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For a week Jon sailed south on the merchant ship, heading to the Vale. They were blessed with strong winds, which carried them to the faster to the kingdom. For the duration of the voyage, Jon sat and wondered of what would await him in the upcoming test. Of what kinds of demons he would face or any other challenges that would present themselves.

Eventually they arrived in the Vale, or more specifically in a chunk of land known as The Fingers. The vessel traveled alongside The Fingers, going deeper in land. Finally, the sea voyage came to an end as they landed in a port town called Snakewood. It was a good-sized town, with numerous homes and inn with a large castle in the back. Once Jon gathered up all of his belongings the traveled through the town as the commonfolk did their daily chores. At the edge of the town lied a dense stretch of forest, also named the Snakewoods.

Growing up in the North, Jon found the Vale to be more forgiving. He didn't find the need to bundle up in furs. Therefore he had on the vest that was gifted to him over a tunic, he also had on trousers with traveling boots and a wool cloak. At his side was his uncle's sword, strapped to his waist.

As Jon traversed through the thick forest, he would frequently look upon the map given to him by Benjen. Even through the tricky terrain, he had no problems thanks to his time on Skagos. He walked by towering trees, over rushing rivers, and down rocky hills. Even with his stamina, the forest was to large to travel through in one day. As day turned into night and the light started to fade away, Jon decided to set up camp.

Jon sat down his bag and made a fire. As the flames breathed, he sat by it and ate a piece of dried meat. Tomorrow night would be the final selection is held, and Jon was a day's travel away. He had plenty of time to make it there. As he lied there on the ground relaxing, his body started to drift off to sleep. Right as sleep was about to take him, he heard the snap of a branch coming from behind. His instincts took over as Jon quickly got up and spun around. As a result, Jon and the unknown figure slammed heads. Jon was fine, but the unknown figure collapsed onto the ground.

Jon went over to the fire and pulled a burning log from it, using it as a torch. He went over the downed figure and held up the torch, illuminating the area. It was a boy, around Jon's age. His face was covered in blood, from where Jon had headbutted him. But he was able to make out the golden hair. The boy was dressed in a fine crimson velvet long coat with a golden belt strapped around the waist. Attached to the belt was a sword with a handle in the shape of a lion. That was when he remembered from his lessons which family bears a golden lion as their sigil.

He dragged the boy over to the fire where he waited for him to awake. After half an hour passed his body started to twitch before groan could be heard coming from him. His hands grasped the dirt before pulling back, the dirt trailing with them. His head lifted off the ground as he used his arms to push himself up. His eyes opened wide, revealing the green orbs beneath. He looked around, his mind still foggy from being knocked out.

"Oh good you're awake." Jon said as he turned his attention. The boy's hand went to his forehead, which was now clean of blood which Jon had wiped off. "Yeah, sorry about that. You snuck up behind me and my reflexes got the best of me." he said earnestly.

"And it was a poor decision for me to sneak upon a man in mountains known for being filled with clansmen and demons. I gotta say, when you headbutted me it felt like I got hit with a war hammer." the boy said joking. Truth be told, ever since Jon was little he's had a very strong skull. The same could be said for his Aunt Lyanna, and his grandmother Lyarra and her mother who was born from a northern mountain clan.

"My name's Jon Snow." Jon said as he held out his hand. The boy grasped it and shook it. "Name's Martyn Lannister of Casterly Rock. Gotta ask, never thought I'd see a Northern in the Vale." the now named Martyn said.

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