Chapter 8 Crossroads

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Ned rode alongside Robert and his huge black destrier. It was early in the morning when Ned's came to him and told him that Robert wished to talk. However, he desired to do so away from the rest of the camp. So now here they were, riding at dawn through the countryside of the North.

"Hahaha, now this is country!" Robert said with a laugh. "Gods it feels good to be free and riding. I swear, nothing is worse than being stuck in that damn wheelhouse! Every time it hits a bump, the whole thing shakes like we are on a mountain! I swear the next time that thing breaks another axel, I'm burning it and Cersei can walk!"

Ned laughed. "I will gladly light the torch for you."

The king clapped him by the shoulder. "Good man! I have half mind to leave them all and just keep going."

A smile touched Ned's lips. "I do believe you mean it."

"I do, I do." the king said. "Remember those stories Jon Arryn used to tell use back in the Eyrie. About his times as a demon slayer. Those tales always used to rile us up. Made us want to join the Demon Slayer Corp ourselves. You were a second son and I would have been more than happy to pass Storm's End down to Stannis or Renly. If only that damn war didn't happen."

Jon Arryn, in his youth he was a member of the Demon Slayer Corp. A strong one to, managing to earn the title of the Wind Hashira. However, he gave it all up. He handed over his nichirin sword and returned to the Eyrie, where he assumed the title of the Warden of the East.

When Jon took Ned and Robert as his wards, he often told them stories of his journeys. About the demons he had faced, of the powers he wielded. It made the two lads desire nothing more than to join the Corp themselves. That was until the rebellion.

"What do you say Ned, it's not late you know?" the king pondered. "Lets leave everything behind and run off and join the corp. By day we will be traveling around the seven kingdoms, swords at our sides. Then by night we'll be slaying demons before retiring to a tavern with a couple of wenches to warm our beds."

"Asked me twenty years ago and I would have been more than glad to join you. Unfortunately we have duties now, to the realm, to our wives, to our children. We are now longer the boys we once were." Ned said.

"You were never the boy you were," Robert grumbled. "More's the pity. And yet there was that one time, what was her name, that commoner girl of your? Becca? No she was mine, great big tits she had, with black hair and those sweet big eyes you could get lost in. Gods love her! Yours was Aleena, wait no she was another one of mine. You told me one time, the mother of your bastard. What was her name?"

Ned turned his head, unable to look Robert in the eyes.

"Wylla, that was her name." Ned said with a cool courtesy. "And I sooner not speak of her."

"Wylla, yes." the king grinned. "Must have been a rare wench to make Lord Eddard Stark forget his vows, if even for an hour. You never told me what she looked like..."

Ned's mouth tightened in anger. "Nor will I. Leave it be, Robert, for the love you say you bear me."

Robert's expression softened, seeing how his best friend felt.

"You're to hard on yourself you know?" Robert said with a newfound sense of sincerity. "We were at war, none of us knew if we would be returning home. Besides you barely knew Catelyn at the time."

"It doesn't change things. She was my lady wife, and she was carrying my child." Ned said strongly.

Robert let out a sigh and then slapped his knee. "Well, I won't press it any further since you feel so strongly about it. Although I swear at times you are more prickly than a hedgehog. You should have made that your sigil." The king then pulled on the reins of his horse. "Well then let's keep on riding. Won't be long now before the others realize we had gone."

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