Chapter 1 Skagos

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For several days and nights Jon and Benjen traveled along the Kingsroad. When the sun was up they traveled by horseback, and when the night approached, they would pull off to the side and set camp. Jon hadn't realized how good he had it until now. Spending all day on horseback would leave him sore and numb. Even worse were the nights where the wind howled and all they had to keep warm was a fire that struggled against the wind and a few furs. And things only got worse the further North they got. While Jon was having trouble against the raw weather, he noticed his uncle wasn't even affected at all.

Eventually they arrived at their destination. It was a small port town with a few homes, an inn, and a small dock. While Jon wished they could have spent the night at the inn, Benjen was set on leaving as soon as possible. As Jon watched Benjen arrange their travel, he also noticed his uncle acquiring a large barrel. As they boarded the ship Benjen carried the barrel up on his shoulder.

If Jon thought traveling along the road was bad, then the sea was a nightmare. The waters they sailed upon were filled with rocky waves and icy winds. It all became too much for the boy as he rushed over to the side and threw up. As he was relieving himself, Benjen couldn't help but laugh. "The Bay of Seals, rich in fishing grounds but only if you can tame the fierce waters. You best get use to this, it will only get harder from here."

Jon lifted himself up and wiped his mouth. He then turned and faced his uncle. "I've been meaning to ask you, what's in that barrel you got?" he asked. Benjen in return laughed again before slapping the barrel. "Dornish red wine, had it sent all the way from Dorne to here. It will make and ideal gift."

"Gift, why do you need a gift?" this puzzled Jon. No matter how much he had asked Benjen never gave up the location of where they were headed. At first he thought they might be headed for the Free Cities, but Jon realized that was false. "Where exactly are we headed uncle?"

"Why don't you have a look for yourself." Benjen said as he gestured for Jon to turn and face where he was pointing. Jon turned around and saw an island in the distance. He saw rocky shores with tall mountains rising from the sides. Jon started to remember his lessons and realized where they were heading.

"This is where we shall be training." Benjen walked forwards and put his hand on Jon's shoulder. "Welcome to the Island of Skagos."

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Even with the rough waters that surrounded the shores the ship they were on still managed to land at the port. They arrived at a dingy port where he, his uncle Benjen, and all of their supplies were unloaded before the ship shortly departed. The town they were in consisted mostly of huts made of stone covered in moss with sod as roofs. Up the road lied a fort mad of timber and stone with a tower in each of the four corners.

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