Chapter 2 Rock and a Hard Place

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Six months, that is the amount of time Jon had spent trying to cut this rock in half.

At first Jon would merely swing his sword with everything he had against the boulder. Each time he did, the sword bounced off the hard surface. After attempting this method for days he hadn't even left a scratch on it. So Jon turned to other methods.

True to Benjen's word, he took no part in trying to help Jon with his task. Jon used all of his past training to make himself stronger. He would swing his sword with all of his might over and over again and didn't stop even if it felt like his arms were about to be torn off. He held his head underwater for as long as he could until the light started to fade to strengthen his lungs. He cut as many things as he could and run up and down the mountain numerous times. He even pushed his body way past its limits, making it feel like it was broken. Even after all this, Jon still couldn't cut the boulder.

There were even times it spent entire days out in the forest doing nothing but swinging his sword over and over again against the boulder. But after all of this, no damage appeared on the large stone. By now the skin on Jon's hands began to tear, leaving hard calluses. He had been so focused on trying to cut the damn boulder that he started to become unkempt. His hair had now grown past his shoulders, the clothes he wore were stained and started to rip, and his skin was usually caked in sweat.

The end of another was approaching as Jon fall on his back, exhaustion taking over. Through his tiredness, he managed to yell out "How is this possible? I've spent the last five months trying to cut this damn boulder. Yet after everything I haven't even left a scratch on it. Is it even possible to cut this thing? WHY CAN'T I DO THIS!" the last he screamed out echoed through the forest.

"Silence." said a deep voice. Jon didn't recognize the voice but was able to tell it was coming from on top of the boulder. Sitting on the stone was a man dressed up in mismatched armor and had a helm on. Strapped to his waist was a wooden training sword. On his other arm a shield was strapped to it. On the shield a white weirwood tree with red leaves and a smiling face were painted on.

The pain left Jon's body as he quickly got up and raised his sword at the stranger. The knight continued to talk. "You wish to become a demon slayer correct? Not very good for one to whine about a difficult task. If you truly wish to join them, you will face things worse than a rock."

"Who are you?" Jon asked. Over the course of his training Jon's senses had improved that he could sense when someone was nearby. Yet this knight before him managed to slip right past him. "You need not my true name, to many I am known as the Knight of the Laughing Tree." said the now named knight.

The knight grabbed out his wooden sword and jumped into the air. As he fell back down as held the sword high above his head and swung it down at Jon. Jon raised his sword and blocked the attack, however the knight kicked him hard in the stomach. The force of the blow sent Jon onto the ground, luckily he rolled backwards and got back up. "You are slow, weak, and immature. That is unbefitting of a demon slayer." the knight said coldly.

"Shut up, you think your words will stop me." Jon said angrily as he raised his sword once more. He didn't know who this person was, yet Jon could tell they were strong. "Very will, come at me, let me see what you are capable of." said the knight as he got into a stance. "Lets see if you can leave a scratch on me."

With great speed the knight charged at Jon. The nichirin sword and wooden sword collided with each other. The knight began to push as Jon was forced back. Jon jumped back and swung his sword in an arch. The knight easily dodged the simple attack. Jon then began a barrage of swings at the knight, who had no troubles parrying each strike. "Your sword skills are mediocre at best, perhaps you would fair better as a foot soldier." the knight said as he insulted Jon.

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