Chapter 10 The Wall

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Tyrion let out a sigh of relief as he released himself over the wall. While family had traveled south, he had instead traveled north. He had one destination in mind, the Wall. 

The Wall is essentially, a giant wall of ice that lies at the most northern point of the North. The wall is so massive, it spans all the way from the Bay of Ice to the Bay of Seals and is several hundred feet tall. The most impressive thing about was that it was all man made. 

Thousands of years ago the wall was built by Brandon Stark, more commonly known as Bran the Builder. After he and the first demon slayers repelled the demons back to the Land of Always Winter, he began construction on the wall. Using the combined strength of men, giants, mammoths, and children of the forest, they managed to build this grand structure. Some even suggest that Bran had used magic in its construction. 

The brotherhood of the Night's Watch was established shortly after the Wall's construction. Their duty was to maintain and monitor the wall, warning the kingdoms and the Corp in case of another demon invasion. Scattered along the wall were nineteen castles, all guarded by the sworn brothers in black. These sworn brothers were made up of nobles and commoners, all swearing their lives to man the wall. In its prime, the Night's Watch was seen as equal to the Demon Slayer Corporation. 

However, within the past century, things have gotten worse for the Night's Watch. Now in days, they spend their time exterminating any wildlings who get to close. The wildlings were the people who lived beyond the wall, having lived there for centuries. Any time a wildling has gotten beyond the Wall, they raid any villages they come across. Being seen as nothing more than savages, the people of the Seven Kingdoms have no problem in the Night's Watch killing them. All except the Demon Slayer Corporation, who believed that the wildlings should be to pass through the gates of the Wall, escaping from the demons. This has caused a rift in the once strong bond between demon slayers and brothers of the Night's Watch. 

 Another thing that has changed with the Night's Watch were their members. Long ago it was established that criminals could escape punishment by swearing to take the black, otherwise known as joining the Night's Watch. This lead to the Night's Watch being seen as an order made of rapers and pickpockets. Other than criminals, other members consisted of peasants looking for food and young lords with nothing to inherit looking for glory. 

Currently Tyrion was breaking his fast the brothers of the Night's Watch, including Lord Commander Jeor Mormont, Maester Aemon, and Ser Allister Thorne. The feasted on grab legs, freshly caught from East Watch as well as ale with lemon. 

"Are you certain you must leave us so soon?" the Lord Commander asked. 

"Forgive me Lord Commander," Tyrion said. "I will leave in two days and head back to King's Landing. If I stay to long then I fear my brother Jamie may think that you all haver convinced me to take the black." 

"Would that I could," Mormont said. He picked a crab legged and cracked it within his fist. Old he may be, but he still had the strength of a bear. "You're a cunning man Tyrion, we have need of men of your sort on the Wall." 

Tyrion grinned, "Then I shall scour the Seven Kingdoms for dwarves and ship them all to you, Lord Mormont." Everyone laughed at that. 

Allister Thorne was the only man who didn't crack or grin or smile. "The Lannister mocks us."

"Only you Ser Allister." Tyrion said. This time instead of the boisterous of before, he was met with a nervous chuckle instead. 

Thorne's black eyes fixed on Tyrion with a loathing look. 

"You have a bold tongue for someone who is only half of a man. Perhaps you and I should visit the yard together." Allister said. 

Before things could escalate further, Lord Commander Mormont stood up. All eyes fixed on him. 

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