Chapter 7 Incident

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Down within the training yard of Winterfell the men and boys were busy with their training. Even members of the royal party partook in the activities. Currently sparring was Bran and the young prince Tommen. Both boys wore heavy padded armor and swung wooden swords at each other as Ser Rodrik watched with a careful eye.

Standing around the boys were about a dozen other people, cheering the two young lads on. Among them included Robb and Jon with their direwolves, who cheered the loudest. Theon and Asha stood and watched quietly. Martyn was also there, choosing to cheer for his younger cousin. Their Uncle Benjen was there to, laughing as he watched his nephew train. Even the beast hashira, Sandor Clegane, stood quietly and watched.

It was clear the two boys had been at this for some time, as they could be heard panting and their swings became sloppy. If one were to get close enough they would see beads of sweat on their faces. Up above in the covered bridge that overlooked the training yard was Arya Stark, who was watching in secret. She had ran away from her needle work with Septa Mordane and now found herself watching the men and their drills.

And then finally their was the prince, Joffrey Baratheon. He chose to stand under the shade of the high stone wall. He was surrounded by other men, some were squires in livery of the Lannisters, others were knights donned in their armor.

As the match continued, Robb and Jon talked amongst themselves. "Bran is doing well, he'll make a fine knight someday." Robb said proudly. Jon couldn't help but agree with him.

"Aye, he definitely has the spirit and the will to be a great fighter. But I think he would make a much better demon slayer." Jon boldly said.

Robb laughed, "Ah yes, I've heard him say he wishes to be a demon slayer. Between my mother telling him stories of revered knights to our uncle telling him the about the skills a demon slayer possesses, there is no telling what path he may take."

"Likely your mother will prefer him being a knight. No doubt once she hears about the training that Uncle Benjen put me through she'll do anything she can to make sure he doesn't become a demon slayer." Jon said.

Robb couldn't help but agree with him. While Catelyn wanted what was best for her children she also wanted to make sure they were protected. Robb had heard about how Benjen had taken Jon to Skagos, an island infamous for its wild inhabitants. There were rumors about what Jon had faced; such as he was pushed off mountains, swam in the rough cold waters around the island, and was forced to train naked in the dead of night.

"Well if Bran doesn't become a demon slayer, then I definitely see Arya becoming one." Robb said.

"Agreed, I can see it within her that she wants to become one. She once told me that she heard how even noble ladies are welcomed within the ranks of the corp. She would love nothing more than traveling across the Seven Kingdoms with a sword at her side. Hell, I even see her talking with Asha a lot." Jon said.

"Yes she definitely does look up to her. Ever since she first arrived Theon has been in a sour mood. Asha has gotten more respect than Theon has ever gotten within his time here at Winterfell." Robb said.

Jon chuckled, "To be honest, I enjoy seeing him mad."

Both boys laughed. Then there was a shout from the courtyard. Prince Tommen was rolling in the dust, trying to get up but failing. All of the padding made him look like a turtle rolling on the back of its shell. Bran was standing over him with upraised wooden sword, ready to whack him again once he regained his feet. The men began to laugh.

"Enough!" Ser Rodrik called out. He gave the prince a hand and yanked him back onto his feet. "Well fought. Lew, Donnis, help them out of their armor." He looked around. "Prince Joffrey, Robb, will you go another round?"

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