Chapter 5 Back Home

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Traveling alongside Martyn and Asha had proven to be eventful. So far they had shown to work effectively together, being able to listen to one another as well making smart decisions. Martyn was more of a serious thinker and the one to things traditionally. Then there is Asha, she's more chaotic and reckless, but it has proven effective for her. Although the two had shown they were clear opposites, the one that acted like a barrier between the two was Jon.

They traveled down the same path Jon had took as he went up. Unlike last time, he was accompanied by two more people, which made the journey livelier. From the mountain they hiked through the forest before ending up back in the port town Jon arrived at. Before he left, Benjen told Jon to head towards White Harbor afterwards, where the to shall meet up. However what he didn't account for was the two additional members with him.

They boarded a ship that docked at the port and was heading to White Harbor. The sail to the port city would be shorter than when he traveled from Skagos, which made Jon happy. The farther north they got, the colder and harsher the winds got. Jon had no troubles with it, but Martyn wasn't faring the same. Being raised in the Westerlands, he had never faced true cold before. And if he thought this was bad, then he could never imagine what it was like in Skagos. The only person who enjoyed the voyage was Asha. After all, she was a Greyjoy of the Iron Islands, who are raised to be hardened sailors. To her being on a ship was as easy as being on land.

Along their passage, the trio learned more about each other. Jon told Asha all about Theon, about how he was an arrogant prick. This caused Asha to burst out into laughter, she then proceeded to tell him all about how Theon used to be coward and of anything ever embarrassing about him. The next time Theon tried to pick on Jon, he would be more than happy to reveal what he knows.

Martyn talked about his family, he started off with his stern father Kevin. When Martyn told him about his desire to become a demon slayer, Kevin was against it. Kevin had no quarrel with the Corp, but every Lannister he had seen during his time alive become a demon slayer have all died on duty. First was his younger brother Gerion, father of Joy Hill. Gerion was always reckless, and one day he payed the price for it. He set off on a mission, and never returned home. Then there was Tyland, the famous Crimson Lion. He was revered and loved by nearly all, the whole Lannister family took his death hard.

Days passed as the traveled upon the sea. With every day they passed, they learned more and more about each other. At night, they would gather around a lantern and exchange stories and tales as they shared wine that Asha had snatched. The nights were filled with laughter.

As dawn approached Jon gazed over the edge of the ship. In the distance, he could make out white structures along the coastline. He quickly realized that they had finally arrived at White Harbor. The closer they got the more details Jon could make out, the large structures made of whitewashed stone and the large harbor filled with a variety of ships, ranging from the other kingdoms to those of Essos.

The ship then found a dock that was opened and tied up there. Jon was told to meet Benjen Merman's Court, a place the Manderly use to host their guest. The group grabbed their belongings and exited the shop and proceeded to walk through White Harbor. As they walked down the streets of the city they came across a variety of buildings. There was everything from brothels, taverns, inns, and fish markets were vendors tried to sell their catches of whitefish, clams, and lobsters. Above the buildings the green merman of the Manderlys waved proudly.

"So this is the only city in the North, from what I heard it's nicer than most people say." Martyn said as he gazed around. Growing up he heard whispers about the northerners were nothing more than savages and the wildest people of the Seven Kingdoms. he was never one to believe these rumors.

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