Chapter 1

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Colour leaked into the sky reflecting through the glass in the twins bedroom. Padme allowed herself a moment to look at her children sleeping so peacefully in their crib. Little Luke lay bundled up next his twin sister, unaware of her small hand constantly hitting his away. Padme laughed, the two were always so cute when they slept together. When Leia finally stopped hitting her brother in her sleep, Padme forced her eyes away, allowing them to examine the rest of the room.

A second crib lay in the corner opposite to the one Luke and Leia were in, Padme had given up months ago trying to get them to sleep apart, the twins were inseparable, comforted by each others presences. Padme tried not to think of it as their way of dealing with an absent father figure but every time she saw Luke cry for hours on end because Leia was in the other crib it suffocated her heart. Allowing herself another glance, she looked at her daughters beautiful face, Leia was strong and determined just like her father. She didn't cry like Luke when they were separated, instead she would roll around her crib making as much noise as possible until Luke was moved back next to her or daylight would break and Padme would have to deal with an infant who had had not slept all night.

Kissing them both on the forehead one last time Padme left the room hastily, she didn't want to leave them, it hurt her every time, but she had to ensure that their was a better future for them. She had to make sure that their first memories were with a happy family in a time of peace, not in hiding during the dictatorship of the galactic Empire. Looking back at their room from the doorway Padme let out a sad sigh. Their room was cute and perfectly fine for babies, the pink and blue contrasted perfectly and their was just enough room for everything they needed. However, Padme couldn't get the room she had designed in Coruscant out of her mind, the room was perfect, in everyway, she had designed it for one baby and still, the room was twice the size of this one.

Deciding these thoughts weren't going to do any good Padme forced her face to be blank', then shrugged on a oversized coat, pulling the hood down as low as she could. The sky outside was now a beautiful mixture of red and orange, settling slowly into blue. For a normal person it would've been a beautiful sunrise to stop and watch. For Padme it was a clock, she couldn't be late. Not today, her meeting with the Queen was far too important.


Padme sat in her private handmaiden room, covering her distinctive features the best she could. As she stared into the mirror Infront of her, she  made sure her everyday disgue was perfect. Her signature mole was heavily hidden under a mountain of foundation, her long locks had been cut months ago, now she was supporting short hair that nearly touched the shoulders. The most heartbreaking part of her disguise were the coloured contacts she wore, it was no secret that Padme's brown eyes were one of her best features, Anakin would remind her of it daily, however her eyes were now hidden by blue contacts, that made her eyes look identical to her sons. To Anakin's. All the other precutions were unessecry she was always hidden under her handmaiden gown, the only part that was ever visble were her eyes. But Padmé could never be too careful. The thought of what would happen to her if the Empire discovered she was alive was enough to keep Padmé motivated everyday.


Padme made her way swiftly to the Queen's private study, trying her best not to attract attention. It was no secret that her and Queen Apailana were good friends, the Queen was the only one in the palace who knew Padmes real idenity and would often ask her opinion on poltical matters. Padme saw Apailana as a sister, as well as reminding her of her dear old friend Sabe. Padmé quickly pushed Sabe from her mind. If she thought of Sabe she would breakdown and she couldn't, not here, not now.

Knocking politely on the door Padme didn't wait to be told that she could come in before she strode through the massive wooden doors. She knew that the Queen was expecting her. "Queme" came the blank voice that Padme expected. All reigns of Naboo were instructed and groomed to show no emotion while on the throne, in public or around anyone who isn't ones staff or family. Padme bowed her head "Your majesty".

The Empires reign in Naboo - an Anakin and Padmé storyWhere stories live. Discover now