Chapter 3

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It was around late afternoon when Padme found herself walking to the Queens throne room. She desperately wanted to be with Luke and Leia and missed them so much her heart hurt. Shaking the thought of the twins out of her mind Padme mentally prepared herself to face Vader. She had Afterall holocalled her mom and had asked her if she could take care of the twins for the night, they would be safe.

Padme didn't know what would happen if Vader discovered her. Would he kill her the moment he realized who she was? The last time she had seen him, he had almost choked her to death. Padme had known since that day that Anakin was gone and that Vader had no regard for her or her life.

Padme was getting closer and closer to the throne room. She had to get there before Vader arrived and yet she found herself walking slower and slower. Small trembles shook her body and Padme had to pause to calm herself. The last thing she would do was show Vader that she was bothered by him in any way.

Padme started walking again, picking up her pace so she could make it the throne room in time. She had to make herself as unnoticeable and irrelevant as possible. Two things that Padme wasn't good at.

The unmistakable carved wooden doors of the throne room came into view and Padme practically ran to them, flying inside before any imperials could get as much as a glance of her.

pausing halfway in the room to catch her breath Padme saw the other 5 handmaidens standing in their set positions behind a very well dressed Queen. Padmes place at her right remained empty.

"Queme." Came the cold acknowledgment from her Queen. Padme bowed and opened her mouth to ask if someone would take her spot at the Queens right before the thunderous sound of multiple footsteps echoed  through the hallway.

Padme knew who it was and hurried next to Apailana taking a deep breath and ensuring her cloak was on properly. The time had come. She would see Vader.

The 7 women in the room listened intensely as the sound of the footsteps grew louder and louder creating anticipation and panic. The Empire had done this on purpose Padme realized, it was like marking their territory they wanted everyone to be afraid.

No one in the throne room said a word. No one dared and Padme was thankful for that. It gave her a couple of extra seconds to calm herself. Maintaining a blank face Padme rested her gaze on the door, expecting it to open at any moment.

The loud cries of footsteps stopped. Creating silence throughout the whole part of the palace once more. Another power move from the Empire Padme noted. Her mind running on political overdrive.

The doors finally opened and Padme almost let out a sigh, before she reminded herself that she would have to see Vader any moment now. The thought made her sick.

Two storm troopers marched in, blasters in their hands, they were followed by an imperial general and a figure hidden by its black hood. Padme didn't need to even look at the figure to know it was Vader. The room seemed to have drop in temperature the moment he stepped in.  Padme swallowed hard forcing her face to remain blank while her insides jumped around with emotion and conflict.

She forced her eyes to maintain their gaze on Vader, watching him as he took a couple of steps into the throne room. Then he stopped. Vader wasn't close enough to talk to the Queen and it took the rest of the imperials a couple of seconds to notice before they stopped too.

Padme held her breath. Could Vader feel her? She hadn't even considered it a possibility but now she was unsure. Padme watched Vader, while he stood their for a couple more moments until he gave his head a slight shake and resumed his steady pace towards the Queen. The rest of the Empire, his Empire falling back in step with him.

The Empires reign in Naboo - an Anakin and Padmé storyWhere stories live. Discover now