Chapter 7

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The air in the room seemed to drop a couple of degrees and Padme felt as if everything was moving  in slow motion.

"I'm- I'm sorry Vader... I didn't mean to run into you". She stumbled out, it didn't matter, Padme knew her pathetic attempt to save her life was useless.

Vader started circling her his cruel expression never changing.

"You see Lady Queme.. I found myself in quite a problematic situation before. You saw a side of me. A side I like to pretend doesn't exist. A side that is my only weakness".

Vader was walking faster now his smirk turning into a smile. He was going to kill her. Padme knew it, it was the only reason he was revealing this to her now.

She found herself bowing ready to beg for a life. Vader kept talking.. his voice growing cold with amusement.

"You have been a good servant to me.. that was the only reason why I even considered keeping you alive. I say considered because I've decided against it now".

Padme gulped. This was it. Vader was going to kill her. Vader paused infront of her creating an agonising silence. He was making her wait for death. He wanted her to beg for it.

Padme had decided she wouldn't beg for life. She wouldn't give Vader the pleasure of hearing her pleads. So she kept quiet waiting for him to do the deed. Instead he kept talking.

"I think you'd find it curious as to why I decided to end your pathetic little life. When I left you standing out there alone I felt something in the force, moments before you so unladylike rammed into me."

Vader got closer to Padme his face merely inches from hers. "Would you like to know what I felt?" He asked, his eyes glistening with the pleasure this gave him.

Padme kept quite deciding that she was going to die anyways she may as well live by some of her morals and not give Vader anything he wanted anymore.

Vader grew impatient very quickly, not surprising for a Sith Lord at all.

"I felt Anger". He practically sang.

Padme shifted her view to the ground not wanting to look at Anakin's face in her last moments.

Her death never came, Vader was stretching it out as long as possible and it made Padme sick.

He had returned to pacing now, his hands behind his back and his eyes watching the thing infront of him.

"It doesn't take a genius to figure out where that anger came from. You were angry at me". Vader stopped pacing whirling around to face Padme once more thankfully this time at a distance.

"What I want to know is why?" He's eye blazed like a wild fire and Padme never thought she had seen such a deep yellow before.

The question was unexpected and Padme didn't know how to respond she decided to go with a mild version of the truth.

"Because I knew you were lying" she was barely audible but Padme knew Vader had heard her.

Vader's smirk quickly disappeared from his face and he looked like his eye was about to twitch. Clearly whatever he had expected he hadn't expected that.

Padme watched as Vader gained control of his face again it twisting into an evil sneer. "How do you know I was lying?" He challenged.

Padme contemplated telling the truth, but decided against it. Vader didn't deserve to know who she was, she knew with disgust that he would leave her body, not even granting it a glance when he was done with her.

"Call it a feeling" her voice sounded more confident and Padme was glad she would go down with a fight.

Vader's face twisted into rage. "LAIR" he shouted causing the mug Padme had drank from earlier to explode.

The Empires reign in Naboo - an Anakin and Padmé storyWhere stories live. Discover now