Chapter 11

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Padme gaped at him. Was this man serious? It was practically impossible for her to have children with Obiwan it had only been 6 months.

"What?" She asked a slight chuckle leaking in her voice.

Vaders face grew angry. "When where you going to tell me you had children with Obiwan!!"

He screamed Obiwan, causing the whole ship to shake.

Padme hadn't noticed but they were already in hyperspace. The never ending stars flashing behind Anakin.

"Their not Obiwans children" Padme couldn't help it her face twisted into a smile.

Vaders eyes were blazing now and Padme felt the smile being whipped off her face.

"Don't lie to me Padme their force sensitive who else's could they be? Yodas?!"

"Yours". The word hang in the air. Both Anakin and Padme waiting for the other one to make the next move.

Finally Vader spoke, his eyes blazing with hate. "Don't think you can delude me with impossible possibilities".

Padme glared at him. "Your trying to lecture me on impossible possibilities?! Do the math Anakin their 6 months old!"

This was when she realised she was still holding her children. Guilt flooded through her. How could she be having this argument with their father while they were asleep in her arms.

She sat down with them nuzzling them both against her chest. Vader wasn't looking at her.

He focussed on the stars racing past. Finally he spoke again. His voice was like a robot.

"You do the math. They can't be mine. You may have been able to trick me if they were a couple of years old. But it's been 6 years padme! Its impossible".

Padme looked up from their sleeping children. All the anger in her body was gone. She looked at Anakin with a confused expression.

"Anakin it's only been 6 months".

He turned to her his eyes blazing again. But he sounded unsure of himself. "Lair".

Padme stood. Being careful not to wake the twins. "Anakin... I'm not lying it's only been 6 months..."

He blinked at her. Tears running down his cheek. "Only 6 months?" His voice was small. And he looked broken.

"It felt like so much longer..." he whispered the words as if it was hard for him to believe.

His eyes turned to the sleeping twins. Seeming to soften before he shook his head  and looked away.

"How do I know your not lying to me. You pretended to be some handmaiden named Queme, you told me our child was dead. I don't even know if your telling the truth about obiwan".

Padme sighed. She had hoped they'd gone further than this by now.

"Anakin. I'm not with Obiwan". She stated her voice confident and her eyes sparkling with truth.

He shook his head. Refusing to believe the truth. "I cant believe I actually believed you when you told me you guys weren't together in my room. I should've known better".

Padme let out a long sigh. "ANAKIN!" She screamed his name startling him and her.

He looked at her his eyes glaring what. "Just do a blood test on them. Then you can see the truth".

Vader hesitated before talking into a comm. "M267 please come into the cockpit".

It didn't take long until the hissing sounds of the cockpit door informed Padme the medical droid had arrived.

The Empires reign in Naboo - an Anakin and Padmé storyWhere stories live. Discover now