Chapter 14

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The door to the nursery closed behind Padme, allowing her to lean against it for support.

This is stupid.

She thought.

He's a terrible person.

Padme stood up straight and took a step towards the room Anakin was waiting for her in.

What about all the people he's killed?

She took another step.

What about all the people he's planning on killing?

This time she took two.

He's a Sith Lord.

She regained more confidence in her abilities to shut out her feelings.

He's 2nd in command for the whole galaxy. He serves a bad man.

Padme took 5 steps this time. Her pace picking up with each one.

He's almost chocked you to death on multiple occasions.

She passed the kitchen.

What about all the Jedi he betrayed?

Padme had a good pace going for her, she could see the door Infront of her now. The door he was behind. She didn't waver.

What about all the children he's killed?!

She was getting closer.

All the Famillies he's impacted.

20 seconds and she would reach the door. Padme only picked up her pace more.

The maid.

15 seconds.

She must have had a family.


A mother who must have loved her.


A father who would have blamed himself.


Maybe she had a smaller brother.


Or a sister.


None of them would ever see her again.


And it was all Anakins fault.

She was at the door now.

All Anakins fault.

Padme didn't hesitant. She didn't break her stride. Instead she grabbed the door handle and flung the door open.

Ready to face Anakin. Ready to yell at him. Ready to get revenge for all those who couldn't. She had reminded herself of who he was now. He was no longer the man he had once been.

He was no longer the man she loved.

She was ready.

The Empires reign in Naboo - an Anakin and Padmé storyWhere stories live. Discover now