Chapter 8

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Vader leaned passed Padme his cruel expression never changing.

"That will be all please leave me and Lady 'Queme' alone."

Two dark troopers emerged from the back rooms of the royal ship turning to bow at Vader. "Are you sure my Lord?" One asked.

Vader scolded his eyes representing suns. "Leave before I make you regret it".

Both troopers bowed once before leaving the craft, the door hissing shut behind them.

Padme hadn't planned to run out after they left but she had liked the idea of that being an option. Now she was truly stuck with this monster.

Vader's face relaxed and his eyes dulled swirling between vibrant yellow to almost blue.

"Padme..." he whispered his voice no longer dead nor cold. It sounded like Anakin. But padme wasn't fooled.

She crossed her arms infront of her chest and glared at the man she used to love. She wouldn't give him the pleasure of seeing her in any other way.

Vader held her gaze although his eyes didn't shine with hatred. They showed an emotion the same emotion Padme had seen earlier that night vulnerability.

It's a trick she reminded herself keeping her head cool and her heart locked away. She had to play this right if she had any chance of survival.

Silence hung in the room as Padme and Vader stared at eachother. Vaders eyes were filled with emotion, his facial features sculpted in a way a Sith Lord should never look.

Padme kept an angry gaze, her eyes challenging and showing no hint of sympathy. For all she cared this man killed her husband.

Finally Vader broke the silence his voice wavering ever so slightly as he spoke.

"I thought you were dead... I watched your funeral.. you were dead...". The last part came out in a whisper and Padme almost let her face slip to show guilt. However she had once been the Queen of Naboo she was stronger than this and kept her angry expression.

"Its funny how alike a decoy can look". Padme hadn't known that Vader had gone to her funeral, the idea didn't sit right with her. Did this monster still feel something for her?

Vaders expression resembled confusion again. "Decoy....? Are you really my Padme or are you a trap set by my master?".

Padme felt shock radiate across her face before she could control it. "Master..?" She questioned. The fact that his cruel thing could have a master made her sick. She had never thought of Vader as an apprentice to the Emperor but it all made more sense now.

Vader opened his mouth to speak but Padme cut him off. "And I'm not your Padme, I was never yours."

Vaders face for the first time in a while reflected anger. "How dare you speak to your husband that way!" He stated his voice leaking with rage. Somehow he managed to contain it. Padme was surprised.

Before she could think about the impact of her words Padme spat at Vader. "Your not my husband".

This time Vader wasn't able to contain his rage, his eyes fired yellow and his lips perked into a straight line.

"I am your Husband and I have our marriage certificate to prove it. Don't pretend you don't know the affects of a legal binding".

His voice bounced off the walls and if Vader hadn't known Padmes identity she would have been scared. It was obvious he had a weakness. And she was that weakness. It didn't mean he wouldn't kill her, but she knew it would take a lot for him to do it. So she pushed her luck for the sake of being able to yell at Anakin.

The Empires reign in Naboo - an Anakin and Padmé storyWhere stories live. Discover now