Love At First Fight

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(Authors Note: So thanks for the 100 reads guys! I appreciate it! Also, this chapter is dedicated to @LauraT919 ! Thanks for reading and giving me your kind comment hun!)

"Whoa! Sho is in the zone today!" Leo said in awe.

"Its only natural after what happened two weeks ago. He's probably pumped that were officially into Dream." Jin responded.

"Aaaaand thats the end folks! Sho is the victor with seventeen wins and zero losses!" Dèvon declared with a wave of her hand. The boys grumbled and picked up their beys before walking away crestfallen. Once they were gone Dèvon gave Sho a high five.

"You were on a roll, Sho!"

"Thanks! Pegasus and I are totally feeling it!" He beamed before gazing down at his bey.

"Now that you're done with the small fries you're fighting me next!" Leo ordered. Sho laughed.

"Bring it on, Leo!" He challenged. Dèvon on the other hand began packing up her bag.

"Whoa wait! Where're you going Dev?" Sho asked dejectedly. She slung her bag over her shoulder, her lips forming a small pout.

"I'm a little tired today so I'm gonna go home early. I'll see you guys tomorrow 'sept for you Leon. See you when you get home." She answered with a small wave.

"B-B-But you can't leave!" Sho pleaded.

"Well why not...?"

"B-Because I... I mean we-"

"You go ahead home, Dev. We'll be fine here." Jin cut in embracing her and pulling Sho away.

"You okay sis...?" Leon asked as his brows furrowed with concern. He placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm fine. I know getting ready for the Global tournament means we should practice all we can, but these past few days we've just been moving around nonstop. We need rest too. We're not machines and overworking ourselves is counterproductive." She admitted. Leo nodded failing to suppress a yawn.

"I'm kinda tired too now that you mention it... But I can't just call it quits and lounge around! You train your way and I'll train my way." He declared.

"Alright. I'm not dragging you home if you pass out though." Dèvon noted before walking away. Sho watched her leave and sighed.

"I wanted to battle her today." He sulked before yawning.

"There'll be other days. We all have our limits, Sho. Dèvon's got a right mind to go home and rest. Maybe we should do the same. We've been doing a lot lately." Jin suggested packing up his own bag.

"Wha- YOU'RE LEAVING TOO?!" Leon barked.

"Yes, I am. I'll see you guys on monday. I have martial arts training to catch up on anyway." Jin replied before leaving. Sho rubbed his eyes and sighed before locking his pegasus into the launcher.

"Let's show those sloths that slacking leads no where, Sho!" Leon ordered doing the same to Leone.

"Rig-" Sho was cut short by another drawn out yawn.

Gee... I actually am pretty exhausted...

"Your entourage has gotten bigger since Regionals." Dèvon told Jin as they walked home. Jin frowned deeply and sighed.

"Its so annoying. I have no idea why they keep following me." He groaned gesturing to the mob of bubbly girls that conspicuously trailed them from a distance.

"Well cute guys who're athletic and reserved often get the groupies." Dèvon smirked. Jin blushed lightly.

"Isn't there any other word you could've used besides cute?" He responded slightly flustered by the compliment and as he shoved her lightly. She chuckled and swung her bag back and forth.

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