The Purest Heart

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"Ha ha! I knew Leon was gonna upchuck first!" Dèvon declared with a boastful grin as she stuffed a five dollar bill into her pocket. She stopped and backtracked to one of the game booths and fell in love with a golden stuffed Rhinoceros nearly the size of her body.

"Terra... I have seen the future and it is THAT rhino!!!" She gasped smiling at her bey. She pulled out a ticket and slapped it on the counter.

"I'd like to play!" She told the man eagerly. He gave her a toothy grin and tipped his bowler hat.

"Three balls coming up for the lil' lady! The rules of the game are simple, you get three tries and thirty seconds to hit that little target. Trick is not only does the target move, but there will also be obstacles moving in the way to block it. Think you're up for the challenge?" He winked. She nodded vigorously.

"I must have that Rhino!!!" She answered forcefully. He stepped to the side and pulled down a lever.

"Then good luck." He chuckled. Everything happened so fast. The lights in the booth shut off and the platform on the back wall raised to reveal a wooden landscape with colorful flowers and trees moving back and forth at a swift pace.

"What the... Wheres the target?!" She thought aloud before her eyes finally focused on the small target, it was half the size of the obstacles that shifted occasionally to block it. The target zoomed around like a blur making it all the more difficult.

Dèvon pinched one eye closed and pulled her arm back with the first ball in hand. After a few seconds of following the target and anticipating where it would be next, she release the projectile and narrowly missed the target. She tried again and missed the second time.

"One ball left." She noted tossing it in the air once. Her eyes wandered upwards toward the ticking clock.

And less than ten seconds left...!

With one final effort she tossed the ball and almost succeeded in hitting the target. However, a fake tree swung in the way to block it and the clock struck zero. she was out of balls and out of time.

"Heh heh! Sorry lil' lady! Wanna try again?" The man smiled. Dèvon took out her another ticket and went to slap it on the counter when someone grabbed her wrist gently. Startled, she looked over to see Ashton Berlotte smiling gently at her.

"Allow me please. I believe I can win the Rhino for you." He offered dropping his ticket on the counter and handing her own back to her. She narrowed her eyes at him warily. He ignored her and concentrated on the game in front of him. The man explained the rules to him and turned the contraption on. Ashton's eyes fluttered closed as he gripped the ball tightly.

"Uhm... A little word of advice kid. You can't hit the target if your eyes are closed." The man jeered from behind the counter over the noise of the game. Ashton's eyes flew open and darted around following the target. His face was a mask of concentration. He pulled back and launched the ball at just the right time nailing the target and knocking it down. The man's jaw dropped. He was at loss for words as he reached up and handed the golden stuffed rhino to him.

"For Lady Fierce." Ashton announced extending the bear to her. She stared at it with astonishment before taking it in her hands.

"It's so beautiful! Thank you!!! But... Why...?" She asked with suspicion. He placed a hand on her back and led her away from the stand.

"Consider it a peace offering. I'd like to speak to you in private please. Its important."

"Conspiring with the enemy? I hope you know that I'm no sell out just for a teddy bear." She scoffed. He chuckled lightly.

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