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(Authors note: This chapter is dedicated to an amazing person named dogsrbp3 who is a faithful reader of my story! Shes super dope! Love this chick <3 Btw, just made a new, AWESOME cover. I think this might be the one guys! I definitely won't be changing it anytime soon! Enough rambling though. I know what you came here for ;3...

My story of course! I made it niiiiice and long for you guys. So get your minds outta the gutter and read! XD)

"What do you mean your dropping out?!" Dèvon barked. Wilson flinched but stood his ground.

"Exactly what I said. There are four of us left. Me, You, Victoria, and Sho. The matchups for tomorrow were already announced and I'm going against Victoria, but..." Wilson paused and looked down at his bey, Bull Shark, "Something tells me that its not my place to do that. So I'll leave her to you, Dev. Its your destiny to defeat her." He said with a sad smile.

"So your just giving up?!" Leon growled.

"Thats right. I know my place in the universe." He declared. Sho looked over at him quizzically before turning his attention to Dèvon. She seemed to be submersed in deep thought. After Wilson's declaration of his withdrawal from the tournament it seemed as if she'd just stopped listening. However, in all actuality she was conversing animatedly with Terra.

This will indeed be difficult... And I doubt Sho will be lenient like Wilson and the Berlotte brothers. He'll want to battle... Terra speculated. Dèvon cracked the smile at the thought of his goofy grin and the way his face lit up whenever he was bey battling. It gave her an incurable fuzzy feeling. She leaned her head on his shoulder, but continued to give most of her attention to Terra.

I know. That's just the type of person he is... No matter what the circumstances, Sho will give it all he's got.

But if we lose to he and pegasus in the semi finals then its all over. They are our biggest obstacle...

"Your right." Dèvon answered aloud. They all looked at her in confusion.

"So I SHOULD get my head shaved?" Lucas confirmed warily. Dèvon blinked narrowed her eyes at him.

"What? No! Why would you do that?!" She gasped.

"But you just said—"

"I was talking to my Terra." She cut him off irritably as she closed her eyes. Sho ran his hands through her hair leisurely. In the months since she'd cut it from the previous regionals, her dark hair had already grown down to her shoulder blades like a weed.

     Personally, he liked it when it was long, that was how it had been when he'd first laid eyes on her. Long, dark, wavy hair that billowed in the forceful gusts of battle like canon smoke. Emerald eyes that smoldered with enough intensity and passion to burn a forest to the ground. It seemed like ages ago since they'd met and formed team Estrella. Yet, every detail was still whole and vivid like it all happened just yesterday. That was the way Sho preferred it. He didn't want to forget a single memory, not if she was in it.

"What're you guys talking about?" He asked curiously.


"M-Me?!" Sho flushed, "What about me?"

Dèvon looked at him sternly, "Wilson dropped out to let Terra and I go ahead, but you won't do that, will you?" She asked. Sho looked down at Pegasus, as if having his own silent conversation with the bey before shaking his head firmly.

"Nuh uh. No way. I trust that if Terra says this is your destiny then it is. However, nothing in life comes easy. If you want to face Victoria then you'll have to make it past me fair and square." Sho declared. Dèvon let out a heavy sigh.

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