The Dominators III

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"'Dear Devon'..." David stared at the two words in frustration. When he watched tv last night, some yak on a talk show stated that a good way to let out pent up emotions was to write them out. She even suggested writing a letter but "never sending it". There was so much that David had to say, so many pent up emotions that he wanted to release. However, whenever he tried to put his thoughts down on paper, they never came out right. He either said too much and rambled on or said too little leaving a lot up to question.

You've just got to speak from the heart, David. That's the only way that you'll say the right things. Herculeo encouraged him.

"I just don't want her to hate me or think she did something wrong." He replied to his partner.

Gigante allowed himself into his brother's room and looked down at all the balled up papers on the floor. He picked one up and read it. His eyes widened. He closed the door hurriedly behind him

"Big bro!" He hissed, "You know we're not allowed to send anything to anyone! If the leaders find out that you're trying to write to Devon--"

"Don't worry, Gigante. I'm not writing a letter to Devon. Well... I am... but I'm not gonna send it!" He explained. Gigante's brows furrowed in confusion.

"Y-You're not...? Then why are you writing it?"

David sighed and dropped his pencil, "I saw something on tv about it being a good way to release pent up emotions. You write a letter to a person saying everything that you want to, but then you don't send it."

"Then what do you do with it?" His brother asked cocking his head to the side. David shrugged.

"Anything you want. Burn it, shred it, bury it. It's just for personal relief you know?" He explained before stretching. Maybe some time away from his desk would do him some good. He turned his chair to face his brother, "What did you come here for anyway?"

"Oh! I found this and I wanted to give it to you!" Gigante shuffled around in his pocket before pulling out a picture of Devon that appeared to be clipped from a news article. David's heart skipped a beat as he took it from his brother with shaky hands and stared down at it.

"G-Gigante...! How did you get this?!" He whispered. Gigante gave him a toothy smile.

"One of the chefs at breakfast happened to be reading a news paper and it was on the front page. As soon as I saw it I asked him if he could clip it out for me. So he gave me this after everyone else left lunch. Happy Birthday big brother!" He declared sheepishly. David was overcome with joy as he pulled his younger brother into a tight embrace.

"Gigante, you're really something! Thank you! But please don't do anything like that for any reason again! You could get in serious trouble if the leaders or the commander find out." He warned. Gigante hung his head in shame.

"I-I know but... I knew your birthday was coming up and ever since we got here you've been looking gloomy. I just wanted to cheer you up and see you smile for once." He confessed. David felt a pang in his heart. His brother was truly too good for this world. He hugged him once again.

"It worked, Gigante!"

For the past few weeks, David had been in a deadlock battle for second best among the dominators with Jake and Glen. They were all tied for the second most wins in one on one mock battles twenty each. Who was first? Odin had been the reigning champ amongst them all, unmatched and undefeated thus far. Although the goal for everyone was to beat Odin at least once, for now they were squabbling of being worthy to at least hold second place beneath him.

David refused to admit it, but he even enjoyed battling against Glen and Jake for the spot. Despite their horrible personalities, they were undeniably strong. Glen was even tolerable most of the time. It was only Jake who seemed to get under David's skin more than anyone else, but if he wanted to be #2, he'd have to battle with him and settle the score.

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