The Dominators II

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     David had always thought that he was a pretty mean and intimidating guy. However, the look on these guys faces put him to shame. There was an unusually pale guy with silver hair who's eyes darted around from person to person constantly. They were beady and seemed to be on the lookout for something. Then across from him on another couch was an olive skinned boy with fiery red hair. He had a number of burn marks and scars going up and down his toned arms. His mouth was pulled into a frown. He gave David and Gigante one look over then turned away as if they weren't worth the time of day.

Next to him was a lanky boy with colorful hair and a cocky grin. His expression was that of a natural predator, and two more of his prey had just walked through the door. The last member was the most intimidating. The aura he gave off put David on edge at once. He had dirty blond, spiky hair with two red streaks and thick brows that were furrowed in a nasty expression. There were three blue triangles under his right eye that David was sure were tattoos. His dark blue eyes were like the bottom of the ocean, deep and crushing.

David was thrown out of his thoughts when he was forced to have a seat on the nearby futon next to his brother. The atmosphere in the room was full of testosterone and hostility. He could tell from every one of their expressions that they'd all gone through lives that were just as unforgiving as he and his brother.

"Alright, we're all gathered here in harmonious matrimony. What the heck are we here for? Who are these scrubs?" The boy with colorful hair demanded. David instantly knew that he and this boy wouldn't get along.

"Behave, Jake. We're simply waiting for the Commander." Leader A answered patiently. However, Jake rose to his feet and sauntered over before lodging himself in-between David and Gigante.

"Is that so? Well then before the Commander gets here tell me, O' great leaders, why do I have to work with these lowlifes?" Jake chuckled confidently giving Gigante a wink, "Especially this one. He looks like he'll cry if I beat him." He teased with a pout. In a flash of anger, David had Jake up by the collar of his jacket. The room fell silent.

"You'd be wise to direct your insults elsewhere. Upset my brother and see what happens, dirtbag." He growled releasing him. Jake, who was in shock, reached into his pocket and pulled out his bey.

"Well if you're so tough then why don't we have a go? I'll crush you then I'll crush your brother next and send you both crying back home to your mama!" Jake howled. David drew Herculeo from his back pocket.

"And what if my mother's dead, creep?!" He retorted sharply.

"David!" Gigante cried.

"Even better! The government doesn't care about orphans anyways! If I kill you and your useless brother no one will give a d--"

The door opened slowly and a gust of unnaturally cold air blew in a cloaked figure. Leader A & B stood at attention on either side of the entrance as he glided into the room and shut the door behind him. This person in their presence had an air of importance, this was without a doubt their commander. The six boys straightened up.

"Gentlemen. Have a seat." The newcomer stated calmly. As if their bodies had moved on their own, David and Jake fell into their chairs. Jake seemed just as bewildered at his own obedience as David. The man paced around the room, his navy blue cloak swishing at his feet as he examined all of his new lab rats one by one. His footsteps were heavy despite his small stature.

"To start off, whatever the reasons or circumstances that drove you all to accept my offer may be, I am grateful to have each and every one of you here today." He stopped walking and mulled over the silence. Every ounce of attention in the room was focused on him.

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