The Darkness Within

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"The three of us, Victoria, Ashton, and I would always go on adventures and explorations. This particular day we were exploring when something strange happened..." Lucas trailed off and looked away. Ashton's expression was full of remorse as he looked around at the expectant faces of the boys.

"The day Victoria met Black Heart Chimera... Is not exactly a day we like to remember..."
~Three Months Ago~

"C'mon slowpokes! We'll never be able to investigate those ruins at this rate!" Victoria exclaimed skipping over the cluster of rocks that trundled up the hillside. Ashton and Lucas followed closely behind.

"Hold your horses, Vicky! We're moving as fast as we can!" Lucas growled holding out his hand to help Ashton over a particularly large boulder.

"Lukey I've SEEN you run at dinner time and this is NOT the fastest you can go." Victoria joked as she flashed a charming smile his way. Ashton chuckled teasingly at Lucas who blushed and hoisted himself onto a flat rock.

"Well theres no food here is there? So I have no incentive." He answered in a matter-of-fact tone. She rolled her eyes and brushed her raven hair behind her ear.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Just hurry up Lukey!" She whined adorably as she reached the top of the hill. However, as soon as she stepped on the last rock, she lost her footing and slid backwards. She yelped and braced herself for the fall but instead she fell into Lucas' arms. They both stared at each other before he gave her a lopsided smile.

"Don't worry Vicky! I've gotcha!" He declared. She looked up at him before smiling and laying her head against his chest.

"I know..." She sighed contently. Ashton rolled his eyes and extended his hand toward Lucas.

"Next time you two want to have a romantic adventure, at least leave me out of it. I'd rather not be a third wheel." He groaned as he heaved his brother and Victoria up to the top. They both giggled.

"But I needed your smarts, Ashton! And I needed Lucas'.... Hunkyness!" She beamed. Lucas flexed and threw his arm around her.

"I am pretty hunky arent I?" He flirted. Ashton sighed wedging himself in between them and prying them apart.

"Can we focus? Now Victoria, what ruins are you talking about? I don't see anything." He noted looking over at the flat plains that stretched into the distance. She reached into her messenger back and pulled out a discolored map that had been rolled up. The Berlotte brothers knelt next to her as she spread it across the ground.

"I found this map in my father's private study. It was in his super important and top secret section. So I decided to go take a look for him!" She grinned. Ashton glanced at her warily.

"Does your dad KNOW? I mean think about it, this could be a very dangerous project. Your father is a professional treasure hunter, Vicky."

"Psh! It'll be fine! If we get in too deep we'll bail out before we get into trouble. I promise!"

"Yeah Ashton! Loosen up a bit. We haven't gone on an adventure in a long time! Vicky's parents don't even let her out of the manor anymore. Lets savor this while we can!" Lucas piped.

"Just because this is the only time that you two get to cuddle in privacy and enjoy your 'secret relationship' does NOT mean that we should just disregard our own safety, Lucas." Ashton snapped. Lucas' blinked in surprise before he and Victoria lowered their heads glumly.

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