The Origin of Beys

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Nora was beyond surprised that someone would have the audacity to knock on her door at 10 o'clock at night. So as she draped her robe close around her body and unlocked the door, she put on a scowl that could pierce through the thickest armor. Lucy and Mathew shrank away in fear when their eyes locked on her intense, green glare.

No matter how many times I see her, I still can't help but flinch... Mathew thought shuddering as a bead of sweat rolled down his face.

"You two better have a flawless reason for showing up at my house this late." She snapped.

"W-We believe it is an adequate reason. Ryan wishes to borrow team Estrella for a day. It was extremely short notice but he believes its very important. The plane leaves at midnight." Lucy explained adjusting her spectacles. Nora's scowl deepened as she leaned against the doorway and crossed her arms.

"You expect me to just wake my children up in the dead of night for some sudden field trip?! And on a school night no less! Is Ryan out of his mind?!" She exclaimed.

"H-He also told us to tell you that it's an educational field trip." Mathew added quickly. At this Nora paused and stroked her chin. Her expression softened a micrometer.

"Hm... I do like education... Fine. Wait here. I'll wake them up." She stated retreating back into the house. The first thing she did was wake up and inform her husband of the situation. He grumbled something incoherent that she took for an agreement before rolling over and going back to sleep.

Next her fluffy slippers padded across the carpeted hallways as she went to Leon's room and opened the door slowly. He was snoring loudly and half his body was hanging off the bed. She smiled fondly as she walked in and shook him.

"Leooon~ my fierce lion, wake up." She cooed tenderly kissing his forehead. He immediately lurched into consciousness and started with eyes wide from fear. After he realized it was his mother he calmed down.

"Don't DO that mom! You almost gave me a heart attack!" He hissed clutching the area over his heart.

"I'm sorry," She chuckled taking note of his hair in a disarray, "But Mathew and Lucy are here to get you and Dèvon."

"At this hour?!" Leon asked irritably rubbing the sleep from his eyes. She affectionately stroked his hair.

"They say its an important summonings from Ryan that can't wait." She explained. Leon rolled his eyes before rolling out of bed and stomping to his dresser.

"Man if I knew that this alliance with DREAM would compromise my sleep schedule I would've reconsidered." He grumbled as he packed his bag. Nora laughed quietly before she exited his room and made her way up to the attic where Dèvon's room was. The door creaked quietly as she pushed it open and made her way across the room to her daughter.

"I'm awake." Dèvon spoke as Nora leaned down toward her.

"You are." Nora noted, "But why, Sweetheart? It's eleven o'clock at night."

"... Well... I recently lost a friend and it's been bothering me. I was so absorbed in my own selfish needs that I lost sight of what was important and... I wasn't able to save him." She answered sadly. Nora usually tried her best to keep out of her kids business. However, there were times where, as a mother, she felt that there were things she should know.

"You mean David." She inquired in a matter of fact tone. Dèvon's eyes widened as she sat up quickly.

"How do you know about David?!"

"Did you think I just let you wander in those woods all those days alone? Of course I had to follow you once or twice just to make sure you were safe." She answered candidly.

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