Sibling Battle Royale

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Dèvon danced on her toes with excitement before exhaling deeply. She took in all the brisk freshness of the stadium from the enticing smells of the foods from the concession stands to the sharp scent of floor wax.

"Day one guuuuuuys! This is gonna be A-MA-ZING!!!" She squealed. Sho grinned madly as he stood next to her.

"I'm totally PUMPED!!! Team Estrella is gonna win fer' sure! YEAH!!!" He cheered lifting her into the air with ease.


   Leon and Jin both watched Dèvon and Sho with embarrassment as they whooped and cheered gaining the attention of everyone in the entrance hall.

"Will you two quit it?! Its only the preliminaries." Leon hissed.

"But Leon! All battles are fun battles! Even the preliminaries." Sho countered. Leon walked past him with his nose in the air.

"Hmph. If you take joy in wasting your time fighting weaklings suit yourself. I just want to get to the quarter finals so that we can destroy team Cometa!" Leon shouted with fury.

"This is totally getting me fired up! Terra and I are so excited I could cry!"

"Save the tears for after you lose, Lady Fierce." A voice sneered from behind them. They all turned to see Team Cometa sauntering toward them with Victoria at the forefront.

"Victoria, How are you?" Dèvon greeted her kindly. She paused and blinked with confusion.

Why is she suddenly being so nice to me...?

"I'll be great once I beat you!" Victoria snapped. Her rival smiled and clasped her hands behind her back.

"Thats awesome! Its good for us all to have that competitive spirit! Nothing like a little healthy competition!" Dèvon beamed. This only confused Victoria even more.

Where's all that anger and hostility that she had last time we met...? She wondered.

"What're you talking about? What's with you and this nice girl act all of the sudden?"

"It's not an act. Let's all do our best and have fun! That's what this tournament is for right? See you all in the arena." She piped leading team Estrella away. She winked at Ashton as she walked past and he gave her a grateful smile. Once they were out of sight Leon tugged at his sisters hair.

"What was that all about?! She totally dissed you!"

"Leon sometimes you catch more flies with honey than vinegar." She answered simply. Jin nodded in agreement.

"The last thing we want to do is sully our reputation and the reputation of DREAM at our first competition as their representative team. We're influential figures now so there are a lot of eyes on us." Jin explained. Leon calmed down considerably at this.

"Besides, if Chimera really is fueled by negativity then the last thing we want to do is provoke Victoria more." Sho declared taking out pegasus. The blue face glimmered in the bright sunlight of the open stadium as they walked out onto the center.

"Aaaaand the competitors are starting to flood onto the floor and assume their positions! First ones to enter on the field are Team Estrella! And right behind them, the new but far from inexperienced Team Cometa!" DJ announced as his face appeared on the Megatron. The audience cheered as the teams waved and smiled. Victoria blew a kiss and winked at a group of boys in the stands who were holding up signs with her name and/or picture.

Leon chuckled and nudged Dèvon.

"Bet you wish you had a fan club sis." He jeered. She raised her eyebrows.

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