The Ruins

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"Rise and shine everyone! We're nearing the landing strip! Buckle up!" The pilot Caswell's voice announced over the intercom. All the members of Team Estrella immediately shot out of their sleep and buckled their seat belts. Leon's face turned green once more at the sharp decline as the nose of the plane tilted downward. There was a few bumps as the plane made contact with the runway before slowing to a halt. Dèvon rubbed her eyes and stretched.

"That was awesome! I wish I could live on a plane!" She sighed gathering her things and going to the bathroom. Leo's eyes widened as he chased after her only for the door to close in his face.

"Let me go first, Dèvon! You take forever!" He growled pounding his fist on the door. His sister's muffled laughter could be heard from the other side.

"You'll get your turn after I'm done!" She answered snidely. He huffed before kicking the door and collapsing back into his seat.

"Should've been quicker. It's going to take her forever!" He groaned. Their conversation was interrupted when a flight attendant pushed a cart into the room. It held a carousel that was filled with a variety of breakfast pastries, fruit, a tea kettle and three jugs filled with Orange juice, apple juice, and milk. Their mouths dropped as the kind lady smiled and stopped it in the center of the room.

"Mr. Gladstone says eat up and build your strength! You have a big day ahead of you! Good luck, Team Estrella!" She beamed before backing out through the door she'd came in. Jin's eyes became wide as he stepped closer to the cart.

"Wow... This is-"

"FOOD!!!" Leon shouted lunging toward the cart. However, Sho held him back.

"Whoa there king of the jungle. Were SHARING this remember? The last thing we need is you eating all of the food. A little self control would be greatly appreciated." He advised. Leon snatched his arm away before crossing them.

"Hmph! Fine! But if you slow pokes don't hurry up before I finish my first plate the rest of this is mine!" He barked before looking over his shoulder toward the bathroom with a scornful smile, "Hear that Dèvon?! If you're not out in time I'm eating your share too!"

"You better not!"

"Don't tell me what to do!"



Jin and Sho snickered at the sibling argument before filling their plates.

I wonder if its like this every morning when their at home too. Jin thought with a small smile. Dèvon emerged from the bathroom shortly after with her hair up in a bun. She was dressed comfortably for the trip. She bent down to lace up her boots then rose to her feet and strolled over to the cart.

"Oh la la~! I want one of everything!" She sang as her eyes lit up at the treasure trove of delicacies. Leon scoffed spitting out crumbs and rolled his eyes.

"Shes eats so much yet shes so little it makes you wonder where she puts it all. My theory is shes a human black hole." He told Sho and Jin who laughed quietly.

"What did you say, Leon?!"

"Nothing! Stop being a pain and eat already!" He scowled. She glared at him before putting her hands on her hips and raising her chin. He grumbled turning away from her piercing gaze. After assuring her dominance over her brother she made her own plate along with a cup of earl grey tea and sat next to Jin. He sniffed and looked down at the cup with a peculiar expression.

"Is that... Earl grey?" He gasped. She nodded excitedly.

"How did you know?" She asked. He smiled and held up his own tea cup. Her mouth formed a small "o" as they clinked their cups together in a silent toast.

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