Float Like A Butterfly, Sting Like A Hornet

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"C'mon Dev! You've gotta come with us to the park today!" Leon begged.

"No, Leon."

"But its important!" He snarled.

"What could possibly be so important that we can't just wait until Monday when I'm off break?"

Leon faltered. The guys would be beside themselves with anger if he told Dèvon the secret prematurely. So instead he just averted his gaze.

"I can't tell you."

"Then I'm not going."

"Dèvon please! Just... Lets be serious for a moment. Trust me. Can you do that? Just trust your big brother, take his hand, and let him lead you down to the park." Leon proposed extending his hand toward her. In response, His sisters eyebrows raised with suspicion before she finally sighed with resignation and took his hand.

"Fine... But if this is a set up for you to do something completely gross or despicable to me then I'm going to plant my feet somewhere between your lungs and colon." She threatened him darkly.

"Trust me that wont be necessary." He replied with an impish smile as he messaged Jin and Sho from his phone telling them that their plan was in action. He led her down to the park where their friends were eagerly waiting with big smiles that unnerved Dèvon.

"What're you guys so happy for?" She asked nervously.

"Nothing! We're just happy Leon could convince you to come down here! The park has been pretty lonely without your presence!" Sho exclaimed. Dèvon examined him before shaking her head.

"Nope. I don't like this. I'm going home." She said taking a step back.

"Whats wrong, Lady Fierce? Afraid of something?" A female voice rang out.

Wait... A female voice? As in ANOTHER female besides me...?

Dèvon's interest was peaked when a plump girl with long, raven hair jumped down from a nearby tree and stationed herself by a course in the center of the park.

"Who are you...?" Dèvon asked warily.

"Call me Eve." She grinned before bowing.

"Okay Eve. How can I help you?" Dèvon frowned not noticing as the guys took a few steps back with wide grins.

"A battle! You're not the only girl who excels at bey battling! So its time that we show you that, me and my Lancer Stinging Hornet!" She challenged drawing her bey. Dèvon's interest spiked then flatlined.

"Interesting, but I'm on vacation sis. Come back on Monday." She advised turning her back to Eve.

"Are you that willing to give up your spot on Team Estrella?" She called over. Dèvon tensed and spun around to face the girl again. Her expression stone set.

"What did you say?" She replied indifferently. Eve smiled and looked around her at the three boys.

"If I win I take her spot on team Estrella. Those were the conditions for our battle am I right?"

The three boys nodded crossing their arms and Dèvon stared at them incredulously.

"Conditions for-... You guys WAGERED my position on the team?!"

"Thats right Dèvon! If you want to be on this team then prove it to us right now! Defeat Eve or give up your spot!" Leon commanded. Dèvon stared at him with great loathing before shifting her focus to Jin and Sho.

"You guys are really going along with this?" She asked still not believing her own ears.

"Prove to us that you still have your bey spirit." Sho confirmed.

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