The Summit of the Regionals

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(Author's note: This is not a new chapter. I am editing this story thoroughly from the beginning to where I currently am before I update it anymore. I decided to split up the former chapter called: "A Bet is a Bet" because it was almost 5,000 words which equates to 50 pages. Instead, it is now two parts, the previous chapter "Bey Battling and Seashells" and this part "The Summit of the Regionals". This might happen for quite a few chapters since I want them to be easier to read without dragging on. I might also introduce some new chapters to fill in some holes and add some filler to the story so please keep up to date and feel free to ask any questions if you are confused!")


"Welcome back to the last day of the Regional Tournament folks! On this day, we shall have the humbling privilege of witnessing a battle between Sho Tenma from the rapidly rising Team Estrella and Wilson Granite, the regional champion for the last three years in a row!"

"And soon to be fourth." Wilson gloated over the mic. The stadium resounded with murmurs and jeering "ooooos" from the crowd. Wilson's very being radiated that of confidence and hubris as he waved to the crowd and flexed. Sho kept maintained his calm composure. However, on the inside he could feel the anxiety beginning to spread like a wildfire. His mouth felt dry like it was full of cotton making it difficult to swallow.

Dèvon sensed his concern and stood beside him lacing her fingers in between his. A warmth spread through Sho's body easing his troubles just a bit. He looked over at Dèvon gratefully.

"Sho you can do this. Listen to your Beyspirit! Whats it saying?" She asked. Sho blinked before gazing up at the blue sky visible through the open stadium ceiling.

"Its saying that if I don't win this you're gonna kick my butt." He chuckled nervously.

"You got that right! So win this for me, Tenma!" She grinned pushing him onto the platform. He stumbled before grabbing onto the railing as the mechanical lift rose into the air. Dèvon gave him a wink and the thumbs up before disappearing into the corridor that led to the stands. Sho watched her leave in a daze. She was so majestic.

"I have a feeling that this match is going to be one that goes down in history folks!" DJ's voice echoed. Sho looked down and frowned at the lack of the presence of an arena.

"Hold on wait... Where's the battle course?!" He gasped looking around in confusion.

"Don't worry! The stadium is here! For the final match we shall have a randomly selected, customized stadium! And heeeeere it comes!"

The platforms reversed backwards as the floor opened up and a light blue stadium rose from beneath the floor. It had two descending slopes on each side to a flat floor in the middle littered with holes in the walls and floor.

"Whoa... What's with that trippy stadium?!" Dèvon mumbled.

"I've never seen anything like it!" Leon whispered in awe leaning forward. Jin remained quiet taking the time to examine the arena. A large stadium, light blue with two ramps that descended to a flat floor full of what looked like holes? What could be the trick with this stadium?

"What is this?! The computers have selected the Flood arena!!!" DJ declared. The crowd erupted into mumurs like buzzing bees. Jin's eyes widened as he grit his teeth.

"Tch! Of course!" He grumbled making Dévon look over in his direction.

"What's wrong, Jin?" She asked urgently. He kept his eyes trained on the battle which was about to commence.

"I had a feeling that Wilson would not play fair. Not only is his pride on the line here, but his Regional title too." Jin snarled. Dèvon rose from her seat.

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