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The morning preceding her visit to DREAM, Dèvon went to school feeling thoroughly exhausted. In classes that she usually actively participated in, today she just put her head down in a lethargic manner and only bothered to raise it if she was directly addressed or if she had to do work. Yet, it wasn't until she arrived in english class that her real challenge began.

"Okay class! Today I will be introducing a new concept to our class in order to create more opportunity for open discussion! We will be having a socratic seminar!" Her teacher Ms. Goodard announced exuberantly. The whole class erupted into low murmurs.

"A socratic seminar? Whats that?"

"Are we getting graded?"

"I don't know if I like this..."

Ms. Goodard however was relishing in the idea of her class' communication improving exponentially through this seminar.

"You will all be handed this short passage and given ten minutes to read and take notes on it. Then we will get into a circle and begin our seminar. I will not intervene. This is a discussion between YOU alone. Each person much speak at least once. This is worth a quiz grade so speak up!" She chimed distributing the packets.

Dèvon raised her head slightly and slid the packet close so she could read the title. When she did, she groaned and lowered her head once more.

"Today we will be arguing about Feminism and its purpose in the world! Should it be put into practice? Should things remain the way they are? Or is there some common median between the two? These are things you will be discussing! So hurry up and read your packets! You won't get any extra time!" She insisted before sitting back at her desk.

Dèvon rolled her eyes and read through her packet taking notes where she needed to and highlighting key points.

I know I'm not going to like this discussion. She griped internally as she massaged the bridge of her nose. Today, she just felt off. She was sure it was because of David's letter.

Once the ten minutes were up, Ms. Goodard rose from her seat and ordered them to arrange their desks into a wide circle. She sat at a lone desk in the middle with her clipboard to take notes.

"Anyone can start." She suggested as she straightened her pink, horned rim glasses.

"I'll start." Elijah Diaz declared rising from his seat. He was the cool guy of the class and the majority of the girls swooned when he spoke through his thick latino accent.

"Good! Thank you Elijah!" Ms. Goodard beamed.

"No problem, Ms. G. I think that the current way is the best way ya know? Right now theres a good balance between female and male standards in society. We shouldn't go crossing those boundaries or confusing the order of things. Males are naturally superior to females anyway in physical strength." He said before sitting. Another girl, Meredith Lawson, rose from her seat and glared at Elijah in a critical manner.

"I'd have to disagree. In fact, I'm pro feminism all the way. Too long have woman's rights and views been suppressed! Who are you men to tell us what we should and shouldn't be! If women had power it stands to reason we'd use it in a much more responsible manner. I mean men might be physically stronger, but women develop and mature mentally quicker. Plus, we're way more compassionate, kind, nurturing, and above all else, sensible. There would be no wars because war and power play are male aspects to gain control and dominancy." She argued.

"But isn't that what you're doing with feminism? You're just transferring dominancy to the hands of women! Its not changing anything!" Marco piped.

"Wrong! We're transferring it into more capable hands!" Bridget Lockhart snapped defensively rising to her feet. The class began to bicker whilst Dèvon massaged her temples to cull the progression of head headache. She peeked at the clock. 45 minutes left...

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